Training Service Providers for the Delivering Local Guide Training Courses

SNV Vietnam is seeking for training service providers for the Delivering Local Guide Training Courses under the programme High Impact Tourism Training for Jobs & Income (HITT) in TT-Hue and Quang Nam provinces as well as Lao Cai and Ha Giang Provinces.

Interested training service providers send their application letter and financial proposal for costs of trainers to deliver above eight courses (fees for principal and assistant trainers, daily subsistence allowance and associated travel costs), profile of the training organisation and CVs of proposed trainers to Ms. Lisa Gordon Davis, HITT Country program Leader via her email: [email protected] before 5:00 pm, Sunday 24 March, 2013.

Job Details
Organisation Name: 
SNV – Netherlands Development Organisation
Application Deadline: 
Sun, 2013-03-24