General News

  • Vietnam’s health sector warned provinces and cities nationwide to be extra vigilant against dengue fever as risk of the return of the disease is high in rainy season, according to the Ministry of Health (MoH). The ministry said dengue fever often...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Over recent days, the northern and central provinces throughout the country have experienced extreme heat wave with the highest temperature of 40- 42 degrees Celsius, causing many adults and children to suffer from diseases. During past three days,...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Some 5,000 children and adults in Bac Binh and Ham Thuan Bac districts, afflicted by the severe drought in Binh Thuan Province, will receive support from World Vision. The organization will address the urgent water, sanitation and hygiene needs in...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Vietnam’s Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development fully supports the initiative of setting up a Food Transparency Association aiming to connect producers in supplying clean and safe foodstuffs to consumers, said Deputy Minister Tran Thanh Nam...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Education for Nature–Vietnam (ENV) said on June 8 it had rescued nine wild animals with assistance from local units after following up on reports from local residents and volunteers.  Among the rescued animals are five sea turtles, three long-...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • The Standing Committee of Vietnam’s National Assembly (NA) has said that the government should report massive fish death issues to the NA in its upcoming plenary meeting slated for July 20-30. The government should prepare report to lawmakers on the...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Authorities in Vietnam’s central province of Quang Tri have detected 30 tons of frozen mackerel scads (Decapterus lajang) contaminated with phenol, a very harmful chemical substance belonging to a local seafood trader. Tran Van Thanh, director of...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Authorities in Vietnam’s capital city of Hanoi plans to invest a combined of VND20 trillion ($888 million) in dredging nine polluted rivers to give them vitality, the municipal government’s mouthpiece Hanoi Moi newspaper reported. The regenerating...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • Vietnam has been ranked the 5th country affected by the worst consequences caused by climate change globally, state media reported, citing the minister of Science and Technologies. Vietnam is among countries to suffer from sea level rise, which has...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016
  • A reservoir storing toxic red mud that is generated in the extraction process of titanium mining in Vietnam’s central province of Binh Thuan got broken in the early hours of June 16, resulting a huge volume of red mud spilling out onto roads and...
    Monday, 20th June, 2016