First Dengue Fever Outbreak Found in Hanoi

A first dengue fever outbreak in Cau Giay District of Hanoi affected nine people, said Hoang Duc Hanh, deputy head of the city’s Department of Health on July 23. The outbreak was first recorded in the city. Health authorities and the local government have worked together to curb the transmission. According to survey, Hanoi has had over 112 dengue fever patients since the beginning of the year. Medical experts fretted that the disease could increase in the capital in August because this year is the peak of the dengue fever outbreak cycle in Hanoi. This rise and fall in the number of dengue cases produces a seasonal cycle that peaks every four to five years. Regarding to acute diarrhea outbreak in Ho Chi Minh City’s Binh Chanh District, the city Preventive Medicine Center yesterday reported more victims including two year old Tran Ngoc Quy and 29 year old Huynh Minh Ly. Tests were conducted by Pasteur Institute in HCMC to find out causing factor. ( July 24)