Free Check-Ups for Poor People in Khanh Hoa

Nearly 1,000 poor people, mostly from Raglai and Ede ethnic communities in the mountainous district of Khanh Vinh in the central Khanh Hoa province, were given free health check-ups, treatment and medicine on October 9. The activity was carried out by the national and provincial Red Cross societies and the UK Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK) company. Besides the checks-up, the participating medical workers together with 30 volunteers gave advice to local people on how to keep hygiene and prevent some common diseases in the mountainous areas. The program was funded by the GSK company, at an average cost of VND70,000-VND80,000 ($3.3-$3.8) for each beneficiary. (Sai Gon Giai Phong –Saigon Liberation Oct 10)