Global Fund Gives Vietnam $6.9M for HIV/AIDS Control Project

The Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations (VUSTA) has been chosen to receive a grant worth total $6.9 million from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) in order to conduct a project on HIV/AIDS prevention in 15 provinces and cities across the country, state media reported. The $6.9 million fund includes $3.8 million from the remainder capital of the project on HIV/AIDS in 2008-2015 period, extra $3.1 million granted by the Global Fund and corresponding funds from Vietnam’s government. The project, which is implemented in the 2015-2017 period, aims to promote the participation of social organizations and community-based organizations to the implementation of the law on HIV/AIDS control and national strategies on HIV/AIDS prevention by 2020 and vision to 2030. The project was approved by Vietnam’s Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung in the last October and will focus on lowering HIV infection rate among drug users, sex workers, men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people together with increasing access to HIV/AIDS preventive measures. Vietnam currently has roughly 260,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in all cities and provinces nationwide. HIV/AIDS-infected people are mainly young and in working ages. The country has launched antiretroviral (ARV) programs to help improve life of people living with HIV. The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was established in 2003 to support countries all over the world in response to these three epidemics, including nearly $1 billion aid in 140 countries and territories worldwide. The Global Fund has financed more than $405 million to assist Vietnam in preventing and combating AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria since 2002. (Thoi Bao Kinh Te – Economic Times Nov 23 p3, Nov 20, Oct 22, Aug 23, Oct 20,