Graduates in Vietnam Struggle to Find Employment

Hundreds of thousands of graduates fail to find jobs and yet businesses say they face a shortage of skilled employees. University graduates face high unemployment Soft skills are critical to success of Vietnam’s IT graduates. Solutions to this labor market mismatch were discussed at a two-day international conference starting from November 4, co-organized by the Vietnam Institute of Educational Sciences (VIES) and the French Institute of Research for Development (IRD). A former assistant to the Minister of Education and Training, Pham Do Nhat Tien, said the main problem for Vietnamese labor is a shortage of professional skills among potential and current employees. Tien said, according to ministry statistics, that 37% of laborers lack practical experience; more than 21% do not meet employer's foreign language requirement; and 20% lack critical thinking skills required by businesses. "Vietnamese labor faces three hurdles: corruption, poor access to finance and improper training," Tien said, adding that the third hurdle is the most serious. In order to equip the labor force with professional skills, Tien said training institutions must co-operate with recruitment agencies, the businesses community, research centers, high schools and other training institutions. Recent research by the World Bank indicates that Vietnamese training institutions often operate in isolation or are only loosely associated with such institutions, Tien said. He added that the reason for the disunity was their lack of information, capacity, motivation and government policies that focused on labor force supply without considering employer needs. Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs statistics say that more than 200,000 out of nearly 400,000 university graduates and postgraduates were unemployed in the first half of the year. Tien said the shortage of skilled labor has become a pressing issue for those concerned with raising the country's competitiveness, especially with the ASEAN Economic Community on the horizon. At the conference, Nguyen Minh Duong of VIES said, "The network of vocational institutions must reorganize to match the structure of the labor force, as well as the evolution of the labor market." Duong suggested training schools also adjust their programs to meet enterprises' needs. He said one solution many experts suggested is that training institutions be included in enterprises and vice versa, then both could effectively support the production of market-oriented curriculums and qualified candidates. Such models have been successfully adopted in many countries such as Japan and the Republic of Korea, Duong added. However, participants at the conference warned that it was not easy for companies to establish schools internally. In Vietnam, a few businesses set up schools but had ultimately failed due to investment capital shortages. Director of Educational Quality Evaluation and Measurement Service Company, Le Duc Ngoc, said the gap between training quality and businesses' demands could not be erased, but perhaps narrowed. He said vocational institutions should train students according to their capacity and offer them the chance to change their major during their studies, which might help them quickly adapt to market demands. ( Nov 6)