Dear Members and Friends:

Welcome to the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre Newsletter for 1 – 15 September 2019.

Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V (DGRV) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh as their new Director from the 1st September 2019.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh contact’s information is as follows:

Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Minh (Ms.)
Project Director Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam
DGRV German Cooperative and Raiffeisen Confederation
Regional Project South East Asia

Office Hanoi:
Unit P042B 4th Floor, Coco Buildung
14 Thuy Khue Str., Tay Ho District

Mobile: (+84) 838072387
Phone: (+84) 24 3847 0945
Mail: [email protected]

There is no meeting scheduled for the first half of September 2019.

Please check the 'Calendar of Events' section on our home page for the latest updates and possible changes.

Warm greetings from the VUFO-NGO Resource Centre's Team!