Over 1,400 Vietnamese People Register to Donate Organs, Tissue

More than 1,400 Vietnamese people have registered to donate organs and tissue on December 19 in Hanoi, setting a new record in Vietnam, state media reported. The record was made at a festival entitled Joining Hands for Life. Organ donation is a significant motion that may open extra alternatives to stay for hundreds of sufferers with liver and kidney failure on donor ready lists, said Trinh Hong Son, director of the National Centre for Coordinating Human Organ Transplants. The country has 14 hospitals qualified to perform complicated organ and tissue transplantation procedures, including the Viet Duc, Cho Ray and Hue hospitals and Military Medical Institute. In Viet Duc Hospital, there are about 1,000 brain-dead cases yearly, however solely 26 instances resulted within the donation of organs over the previous five years. Organ transplants are seen as a last resort for patients with organ failures. More than 7,500 patients with kidney, liver and chronic diseases and more than 300,000 blind people are waiting for donors in Vietnam, figures by Ministry of Health. (moh.gov.vn Dec 21, doisongphapluat.com Dec 20, laodongthudo.vn Dec 20)