Swiss Donation Helps Ease Agent Orange Pains in Vietnam

The Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin (VAVA) received $10,000 donated by Maggie Brooks, a Swiss national living in Costa Rica, and her friends at a ceremony in Hanoi on July 18th. Maggie Brooks has been working to raise fund for Vietnamese dioxin victims for many years. In 2011, she helped a delegation from the VAVA to contact the International Association of Democratic Lawyers. In May 2014, she visited Vietnam and delivered $10,000 to build houses for the victims. This time, returning to the country to give the donation, Brooks suggested the VAVA produce a documentary with Spanish subtitles about AO/dioxin effects in Vietnam so that she could screen it in Costa Rica and help mobilize greater public support, especially from the local Government and social organizations for Vietnamese AO victims. ( July 19)