Vice President Visits AO/Dioxin Victims in Tien Giang

Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh visited poor households and Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin victims in the Mekong Delta province of Tien Giang on January 21, ahead of the Tet (Lunar New Year) celebrations. She presented 100 gift packages worth VND1.2 million to needy families and another 100 worth VND1.3 million to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The Vice President called on organizations and businesses to support Tien Giang in building six houses and presenting 300 gift packages at a total cost of VND420 million to those households living under the poverty line. The same day, head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Mass Mobilization Truong Thi Mai presented 50 gift packages to poor workers in the southern province of Dong Nai. Chairwoman of the provincial Labour Confederation Nguyen Thi Nhu Y said local trade unions have carried out a number of activities to ensure disadvantaged workers are still able to enjoy a happy Tet holiday, which is the most important annual festival in Vietnam, including organizing made-in-Vietnam goods trade fairs at industrial parks and art performances, and presenting over 60,000 gift packages and 4,000 train and coach tickets for workers from northern and central localities. (Vietnam Plus Jan 21)