Vietnam Firm Operates Advanced Radiotherapy Centre in Hanoi

Vinmec International Hospital in Hanoi has put an advanced radiation therapy centre into use, providing more treatment facilities to canner patients in Vietnam. Equipped with modern medical facilities, the VND100-billion ($4.75 million) centre will provide most of the world's advanced techniques in cancer treatment. Cancer is a leading disease that kills 70,000 Vietnamese people yearly. The rising cancer rate is worrying the society, while the number of cancer treatment units, especially radiation facilities, is limited in the country," said the hospital's Director Nguyen Thanh Liem. "The centre will contribute towards reducing the number of Vietnamese people going abroad for cancer treatment," said Liem. He added that radiation therapy plays an important role in cancer treatment and is given to 50 to 70% of the cancer patients. Along with the surgery, chemotherapy, stem-cell and gene technology departments, the centre will help to improve the quality of the cancer treatment facilities in the hospital's oncology and cancer department in the coming years. According to the National Cancer Prevention Program statistics, Vietnam sees 200,000 new cancer cases yearly, of which 80% are detected late. (Vietnamplus Jan 20)