Vietnam Open Classroom Introduces Robotic Teaching Assistant

Vietnam’s edu-tech startup Open Classroom introduced teaching assistant Tri Nhan, a humanoid robot with five senses, at the Education Summit and School Exposition 4.0 event in Hanoi last week, local media reported. Tri Nhan robot, developed by artificial intelligence (AI) scientist and expert Pham Thanh Nam, had five senses of (i) vision with two cameras in the eyes, (ii) hearing with a long-range microphone array, (iii) olfactory with air quality sensors, (iv) tactile with sensors of pressure, temperature, and humidity, and (v) taste with an electric meter attached to antitoxic mechanism. The robot was integrated with Google searching engine to rapidly handle different educational tasks, including math issue solving and poem recital. It also could communicate in Vietnamese and English languages, translate words or sentences, read the emotions, as well as has a heart in the chest and a DNA double helix simulation with good and evil circuits, and features face detection and heart rate measurement. Besides, Tri Nhan can control smart devices indoors or outdoors, and assign simple tasks, like vacuum robot and drone. Though the robotic assistant will need further improvements, it was considered likely outperforming well-known female robot Sophia. (CafeF, NetNews, Zing)