Vietnam Urges ASEM Nations to Build Disasters Early Warning Network

Asia-European Meeting countries (ASEM) should join hands to create a network of early warning centers and institutes for natural disasters, said Vietnamese Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh. The newly-appointed Deputy PM made the call at the ASEM high-level meeting on disaster prevention and mitigation in response to climate change in Hanoi Nov 18. At the event were 120 delegates from ASEM member countries and UN agencies. He called on all 51 ASEM member countries to boost cooperate to combat climate change impacts and extreme natural disasters as well as to effectively implement the UN’s Hyogo Framework for Action on building the resilience of nations and communities to disasters. Natural disaster is regarded as the fiercest non-traditional threat to security, hindering efforts in ensuring sustainable economic development and boosting international economic links. This year is among the top 10 warmest years since 1850. Asia-Europe bore the brunt of around 70% of the world’s disasters with experts estimating that two-thirds of disaster victims lived in Asia, Mr. Minh added. 2013 has been a stormy year for Vietnam as the number of storms and tropical depressions hitting the country has climbed to over 19, breaking the record of 16 set 49 years ago, said Deputy Director of the National Center for Hydro-meteorological Forecasting Le Thanh Hai. (Thanh Nien Young People Nov 18, Tuoi Tre – Youth Nov 18 p2, Nhan Dan – The People Nov 18 p8)