Water Supply and Sanitation Working Group Meeting

This is regular meeting of Water Supply and Sanitation Working Group. The detailed agenda will be as below:

1.Welcome and apologies
2.Minutes from the last meeting and previous actions
Submission to NTP III design team
Input to the WSS Reference Document
3.Progress in updating the WSS Reference Document
4.Presentation on Red River Delta project
5.WASH  Working Group Webpage
6.Other business ( update from AusAID in supporting to the series of workshops on how NGOs can be aligned with the national systems, viz the NTP3 - following up the the discussions in Da Lat and Nha Trang and Joint Annual Review (JAR) of the NTP2 under donors' TPBS, scheduled from 5-19 July – propose meeting with WASH WG on 14 of July)
7.Next meeting

Summer 2010 VANGO Network Capacity Building Workshop


This is summer 2010 VANGO Network Capacity Building Workshop. Which will be held from 12-13 July 2010,  8:00am to 5:00pm. Please click here for detailed information on the workshop.

Australian Development Scholarships

Vietnamese and English version of the ADS for the year 2011-2012.

Climate Change Working Group meeting

This is monthly meeting of Climate Change Working Group. Which will be facilitated by Center for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD). The detail agenda is as below:

1.Review minutes and action points from last meeting June 2010
2.Updates from the thematic groups of their recent activities
- ABC on the journalist works and action plan 
- Mitigation on developing an advocacy messages on mitigation
- Adaptation on meeting on mainstreaming guidelines
3.Sharing on progress of Capacity Building Project
4.Sharing on Green drinks event by CARE
5.Participation by CCWG members and representatives in events
- Updates from UNFCCC in Bonn (chi Hop SRD)
- Other events/WS of June
6.Other business and upcoming events

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