E-bulletin of the Project Capacity Building on Climate Change - February 2010

The E-bulletin February 2010 of the project Capacity Building on Climate Change for Civil Society Organizations (CCCB project) has been published.

To download this e-bulletin, please click:

English version

Vietnamese version

Research on "Living With Disaster" from Save The Children

Research on "Living With Disaster" from Save The Children

Legislative Reform For Disaster Risk Management in Vietnam

Legislative Reform For Disaster Risk Management in Vietnam

ECO-Asia Grants for Urban Water and Sanitation

The ECO-Asia program, a regional environmental program funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development and based in Bangkok, has released a Request for Proposals (RFP) for Grants for Promoting Access to Urban Water and Sanitation Services. The grants program will support the use of ECO-Asia's newly developed 10-Step Promotion Program Toolkit, to increase or improve water and sanitation services in Asian cities.

All private organizations, NGOs and academic institutions working in countries eligible for USAID assistance may apply. The maximum amount for an individual grant is US$10,000. More information on the grant process can be found in the attached RFP. If you have any other questions about the grant process itself please contact [email protected].

HIV/AIDs Working Group meeting

This is regular meeting of HIV/AIDs Technical Working Group. The theme for this meeting will be ‘Resource mobilisation and Sustainability”. The detail agenda will be posted soon

Further information please contact Ms. Prashikha Chhetri
Assistant Planning and Management Officer
No. 24 Lane 11 Trinh Hoai Duc Street, Ha Noi Viet Nam
PH: +84 (4) 37342824 Mob: +84 (0) 1213010192
Email: [email protected] Web: www.unaids.org

Child Rights Working Group meeting

This is regular meeting of Child Rights Working Group. The proposed agenda is bellow:

1.       Update on the result of the meeting with Mr Hai Huu – Director of Children’s Bureau, MOLISA, about the Complementary Report
2.       Discussion on the process and preparation for the Meeting (chaired by MOLISA) for discussing feedback about the Complementary Report (with participation from representatives of different ministries from Vietnam)
3.       Agenda of CRWG for 2010 (jointly drafted by Plan, CEFACOM and SCV)
4.       Next meeting’s agenda

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