Coordination in Response to the Typhoon Ketsana’s – Some “Food for Thought”

The presentation on Coordination in Response to the Typhoon Ketsana’s – Some “Food for Thought” at the DMWG meeting on Oct 23, 2009




Report No. 295/TB-VPCP on 21/09/2009 of the Prime Minister Office about the conclusion of Deputy Prime Minister  at North West Conference


Report No. 89/BC-LDTBXH on 16/09/2009 of the MOLISA of the progress and results of implementing the Resolution No. 30a/2008/NQ-CP on 27/12/2008 (Vietnamese Version)


Decision No. 102/2009/Q?-TTg on 07/08/2009 of the Prime Minister about the direct assistance for the poor people in the disadvantaged regions

Ethnic Minority report second quarter 2006

The report on Ethnic Minorities in the second quarter of 2006

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