CCWG Position Paper on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

Global warming has to be curbed to a maximum of two degrees over this century to maintain the planet as a hospitable place and to avoid extreme and unmanageable situations caused by climate change. As a lower middle income country that is very vulnerable to climate change effects, Vietnam faces the challenge of how to respond effectively to climate change while at the same time meeting its development needs in a sustainable way. To tackle climate change and to lead the Vietnamese economy into a low carbon future, all sources of man-made pollutants caused by electricity production, transportation, industry, waste and agriculture need to be reduced dramatically.

CCWG Position Paper on Climate Change Mitigation

On its path towards becoming an industrialized country by the new decade, Vietnam has made significant improvements regarding poverty and social welfare over the last years, but this development has also spurred greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to increase steeply: in 2013, emissions were 3.5 times as high as compared to 1991. According to forecasts, CO2 emission in Vietnam will have tripled by 2030 compared to 2010 if the current development trajectory continues without enhanced mitigation efforts.

CCWG Position Paper on National Adaptation Plan

Addressing the adaptation challenge though civil society participation and a focus on vulnerablegroups in the National Adaptation Plan process in Vietnam

CCWG Position Paper on Co-Benefits

A win-win situation. A call for better integrationof adaptation, mitigation and development for the people in Vietnam most vulnerable to climate change.

In a context of limited resources, but rapidly increasing adaptation and mitigation costs and needs, there is a growing need for more harmonized, cost-effective and efficient measures in the response to climate change.

Adaptation interventions that integrate mitigation, have significant socio-economic benefits, and target the most climate-vulnerable, is one of the most optimal and feasible solutions to this challenge.

CCWG Position Paper on National Adaptation Plan

Addressing the adaptation challenge though civil society participation and a focus on vulnerablegroups in the National Adaptation Plan process in Vietnam

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