UN-EU Cost Norms 2009

UN – EU Guidelines For Financing of Local Costs In Development Co-operation with Vietnam Version 2009

About Us

The NGO Child Rights Working Group (CRWG) was established in June 2006 as INGO initiative to strengthen the Government's efforts in advancing children's rights, consolidate and strengthen and avoid repetition of NGO efforts.

It is composed of international NGOs working in Vietnam, mass organisations, local NGOs and other Vietnamese community groups. Other relevant agencies and organisations, such as UN bodies and specialised agencies (UNICEF, ILO, UNODC, etc), government ministries and organisations, research institutes and experts are welcome to participate.

CRWG meeting minutes

Meeting Minutes of CRCWG

CRWG Meeting Minutes July 06

The first meeting of Child Rights Working Group was held at the Plan Vietnam Office on 13 July with the participation of Plan International, the six Save the Childrend Foundations (Sweden, UK, Japan, Australia, France, USA), World Vision, Care International, and other interested international NGOs.

Relevant UN agencies such as ILO, Unicef, WHO, UNODC, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNDP, etc) and other Vietnamese local groups and government organisations also attended.

The main topics of the meeting were:

  • the purpose and TOR of the Child Rights Working Group;
  • presentation on the results of NGO's report on OPSC; and
  • other discussions on the possible inputs and involvement in third and fourth report on CRC implementation

CRWG Meeting Minutes July 06

The first meeting of Child Rights Working Group was held at the Plan Vietnam Office on 13 July with the participation of Plan International, the six Save the Childrend Foundations (Sweden, UK, Japan, Australia, France, USA), World Vision, Care International, and other interested international NGOs.

Relevant UN agencies such as ILO, Unicef, WHO, UNODC, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNDP, etc) and other Vietnamese local groups and government organisations also attended.

The main topics of the meeting were:

  • the purpose and TOR of the Child Rights Working Group;
  • presentation on the results of NGO's report on OPSC; and
  • other discussions on the possible inputs and involvement in third and fourth report on CRC implementa
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