Assessment of Typhoon Lekima in Thanh Hoa province - Powerpoint Presentation

A joint rapid assessment on damage and needs in Thanh Hoa province, Vietnam, caused by Typhoon Lekima (No. 5) in October 2007





Flood No. 5 in Nghe An, 10-12 September 2007 - Powerpoint Presentation

A powerpoint presentation of the damages of Flood No. 5 in Nghe An, Qui Chau and Que Phong districts, 10-12 September 2007




Sharing the Assessment Findings in Quang Nam by Save Children Alliance - Powerpoint Presentation

Key findings from rapid assessment on flood situation in Da Nang and Quang Nam, 14-16 November 2007

Summary of Damages Caused by Floods and Whirlwinds in Central Provinces from 29 October to 8 November 2007

A table summary of damages wrought by floods and whirlwinds in the Central provinces in 2007, detailing people killed, buildings collapsed, etc

Emergency Relief from PACCOM

A letter written by PACCOM (The People's Aid Coordinating Committee) addressed to all foreign NGOs in Vietnam regarding emergency relief to victims of heavy rains, floods, and whirlwinds in Central provinces

10 year study on the work of International NGOs in Vietnam

A strategic analysis of INGO Methods and activities in Vietnam 1990-1999, published by the NGO Resource Centre


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