Đề án "Phát triển các đô thị Việt Nam ứng phó với BĐKH giai đoạn 2013-2020" (Decision 2623/QĐ-TTg)

Phe duyet De an Phat trien cac do thi Viet Nam ung pho voii bien doi khi hau giai doan 2013-2020 voi muc tieu: Chu dong ung pho voi BDKH, su dung hop ly nguon tai nguyen trong cai tao nang cap va phat trien do thi; ra soat, bo sung va hoan thien he thong van ban quy pham phap luat, quy hoach, quan ly dau tu phat trien do thi trong boi canh gia tang nguy co rui ro tu BDKH; nang cao nhan thuc, tang cuong su phoi hop giua cac Bo, nganh va dia phuong trong dieu hanh, quan ly phat trien do thi ung pho voi BDKH.

Climate change and rural institutions in Central Vietnam - DIIS working paper

This working paper presents an overview of initial findings regarding the factors influencing how meso level institutions in Central Viet Nam are responding to climate change and extreme climate events. Findings focus on the challenges affecting coastal zones, particularly areas which are impacted by a combination of environmental change and the introduction of new livelihood opportunities, including rapidly expanding aquacultural production. The working paper describes emerging policies and trends in institutional response to climate change, with emphasis on the convergence of this response with disaster risk management and broader development efforts.

Green Growth Best Practice - Synthesis of key findings March2014

GGBP has just carried out and published the first comprehensive international assessment of lessons from experiences pursuing green growth, covering 60 programs across all levels of government and all regions.

A more detailed version is to follow the synthesis report soon.

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