[Capacity Development] Announcement of new Chairman of Capacity Development Working Group

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Aug 22 11:04:23 BST 2011

Dear Colleagues,

Firstly, on behalf of NGO Resource Centre, we would like to give great 
thanks to Mr. Neil Poetschka l Health Program Coordinator - Care 
International, and Mr. Mile Hall - VSO Management Advisor and 
Organizational Development Specialist, who had played the chairmanship 
role of the  Capacity Development Working Group over the last year  for 
their initiatives; great efforts in gathering people for information 
sharing/lesson learn on the capacity development issue; keeping CDWG 
going on and attract a lots of people to join.  We look forward to the 
continued cooperation and active participation from Care International 
and VSO team.

Secondly, let join us in congratulating Mr. Ian Bromage - Health Program 
Manager from  MCNV, who was selected to become the new chairman of CDWG 
from now on as decision in the last group meeting on 27 July! We are 
sure that he will maximize the Working Group's achievements during the 
time that he holds the position of chair.

For the next meeting of CDWG, Mr. Ian Bromage will coordinate the core 
group members and together with core group member designing agenda for 
the meeting. Your inputs/ideas for the next meeting are welcome!

Please contact the Chairman for further information at  ian.bromage at mcnv.vn

all informations of previous meeting are available on NGORC website

Warmest regards,

NGO Resource Centre Team

Phan Thu Ha
Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
218 Doi Can, Hanoi - La Thanh Hotel
Tel: +84 4 8328570  Fax: +84 4 8328611
Mobile: 0912174879
Email: haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
web: http://www.ngocentre.org.vn

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