[Capacity Development] FW: FYI - Scholarships for ASEAN Countries for Masters of International Affairs in Comparative and International Disability Policy Program [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thu-Hang Nguyen ThuHang.Nguyen at ausaid.gov.au
Thu Nov 10 02:46:06 GMT 2011

Dear colleagues,

Can you please share this announcement to your relevant networks? Thanks.

Best regards

Nguyen Thu Hang<http://www.ausaid.gov.au/keyaid/mdg.cfm>

Senior Program Manager | Human Resource Development |AusAID (Hanoi)
Ph +844 3774 0171 | Fax +844 3831 7706 | Email: thu-hang.nguyen at ausaid.gov.au<mailto:thu-hang.nguyen at ausaid.gov.au>

From: Maya Aguilar [mailto:maya.aguilar at aseanidpp.org<mailto:maya.aguilar at aseanidpp.org>]
Sent: Saturday, 8 October, 2011 2:39 AM
To: executive-committee at list.aseanidpp.org<mailto:executive-committee at list.aseanidpp.org>; advisory-board at list.aseanidpp.org<mailto:advisory-board at list.aseanidpp.org>; advisory-council at list.aseanidpp.org<mailto:advisory-council at list.aseanidpp.org>
Cc: Derrick L. Cogburn; Consuelo Nelson; Clyde White, Jr.; Erica Seng; Joni Yulianto
Subject: CIDP Master's Application Opens for 2012 Admission

Dear colleagues,

The Institute on Disability and Public Policy (IDPP) is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for Fall 2012 admission to the Master's of International Affairs in Comparative and International Disability Policy (CIDP) program. Please disseminate the attached announcement throughout your institutional and professional networks.

We look forward to welcoming a second cohort of students into the CIDP program.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. Thank you for your continued support of the IDPP.

Maya Aguilar
Communications Associate | Institute on Disability and Public Policy for the ASEAN Region

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