[Capacity Development] Co hoi hoc bong: hoc tap o Canada bang tieng Phap / Offre de bourse pour les etudes au Canada en francais / Scholarship for studying in Canada in French

Le Bich Van van at vietnampsu.org
Thu Oct 6 15:49:38 ICT 2011

Kinh gui: Cac anh chi dong nghiep va cac ban!
Co the co ai do trong so cac anh chi hay nguoi quen va dong nghiep cua cac anh chi co the quan tam den chuong trinh hoc bong bang tieng Phap o Canada?
De co them thong tin chi tiet bang tieng Viet, anh chi co the tham khao duong dan sau: http://vied.vn/vn/content/thongbao/tuyensinh/thong-bao-tuyen-sinh-di-hoc-sau-dai-hoc-tai-canada-nam-2012_6016.aspx hoac mo file gui kem de co thong tin bang tieng Phap.
Cam on anh chi da giup do chuyen thong tin den nhung ai quan tam va xin loi neu thu nay lam phien den anh chi!
Tran trong!


Cette annee, le programme de bourses pour les etudes au Canada en francais a ete annonce (par le Department de Development de l'Education Internationale - VIED) et par l'Agence Canadienne de Developpement International a travers l'Unite d'Appui au Programme Vietnam-Canada. Vous etes invite(e)s a visiter le site web du VIED pour plus de renseignement en Vietnamien http://vied.vn/vn/content/thongbao/tuyensinh/thong-bao-tuyen-sinh-di-hoc-sau-dai-hoc-tai-canada-nam-2012_6016.aspx  ou ouvrir le fichier attaché pour les renseignements en Francais.
Merci beaucoup de votre aide en circulant cet email a celles/ceux qui s'y interessent. Mes excuses si cet email vous derange.

Bonne journee!

Dear all

This scholarships opportunity for studying in Canada (in French) might be of interest: to you, your friends, colleagues....? For more information in Vietnamese, please visit this link http://vied.vn/vn/content/thongbao/tuyensinh/thong-bao-tuyen-sinh-di-hoc-sau-dai-hoc-tai-canada-nam-2012_6016.aspx or open the attached file (for information in French).

Thank you very much for your support in circulating this email to the persons who might be interested in it. Apologies for any inconvenience otherwise.

Best regards
Le Thi Bich Van
Canada Fund Coordinator and Civil Society Specialist
Vietnam-Canada Program Support Unit
Hanoi Towers, 12th Floor, 49 Hai Ba Trung
Hanoi, Vietnam
email: van at vietnampsu.org
tel: (84 4) 3 934 84 14 ext 106
fax: (84 4) 3 934 83 95

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