[Capacity Development] Reminder CDWG Meeting on 22 August: Frameworks for developing the effectiveness of CSOs within Vietnam

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Aug 20 05:06:28 BST 2012

Hello Everyone,

This is a reminder of CDWG meeting on 22 August.

Looking forward to seeing you all at NGORC
Best regards,

The Capacity Development Working Group would like to invite you to the 
following meeting and discussion.
Frameworks for developing the effectiveness of civil society 
organisations (CSOs) within Vietnam.


*/Time:/* *9.30 to 12:00*


*/Date/:                    22 August, 2012*


/*Location*/:***VUFO-NGO Resource Centre, La Thanh hotel, Building F1, 
218 Doi Can, **Hanoi<mailto:info at ngocentre.org.vn>*


The meeting will include presentations on the development of the CSO 
Development Effectiveness Framework and the Code of Good Practice for 
CSOs involved in HIV/AIDS programming. The presentations will be 
followed by a discussion about the role and value of establishing 
standards in the context of Vietnam’s emerging community based 
organizations and how these might be developed further.


·Ian Bromage, HIV Program Manager, MCNV


·Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Lam, Chair of MSD and Mr. Hoang Anh Dzung - project 
manager in CSO capacity building

·Christina Wegs, MPH, MSW, Senior Technical Advisor, Sexual,  
Reproductive and Maternal Health Team, CARE USA

We hope you will be able to come along and look forward to seeing you.



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