[Capacity Development] Relief and Development Experts Converge in Bangkok to Encourage Private Sector Engagement

Amanda Melving amelving at aidforumonline.org
Tue Nov 13 12:36:32 GMT 2012

Relief and Development Experts Converge in Bangkok to Encourage Private Sector Engagement and Investment in Asia-Pacific 


On 14th November at the Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel in Bangkok, the Aid and International Development Forum (AIDF) is proud to bring together senior experts in the international relief and development sector to discuss the pathways towards effective engagement of commercial organizations within the development agenda. The debate aims to identify and address traditional barriers to cross sector partnership and to discuss ways in which the private sector can take part in the wider conversation on disaster prevention, preparedness and long term development. 

The panelists are Oliver Lacey-Hall, Head of Regional Office, UN OCHA, Rathin Roy, Director and Regional Manager at Asia Pacific Regional Centre, UNDP, Allan Deacon, MBA, MCIPS, FCMI, Consultant and Trainer, CIPS, Minar Pimple, Regional Director of the United Nations Millennium Campaign and Oscar Davis, Procurement Advisor, RMA Group. The debate will be moderated by Joe Lowry, Senior Communications/Media Officer and Spokesperson, International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The organizers of AIDF have partnered with the RMA Group to launch the inaugural Asia-Pacific event in Bangkok, 30-31st January 2013 to complement the established Washington D.C. event. AIDF is a leading global event for NGOs, governments, intergovernmental organizations, aid agencies and the UN to meet in order to share best practices, debate key issues in the aid and international development sector, exhibit new technologies and services, and create new partnerships.  The Forum is open to the public and free to attend.

Oliver Lacey-Hall, who will be opening the show with a keynote speech, said in support of the event "Asia and the Pacific are undergoing enormous change - including in the fields of disaster management and emergency response. OCHA sees AIDF as a venue where national authorities and NGOs, regional organizations, the private sector, international agencies and others can come together and contribute to charting a dynamic and forward looking agenda to meet the region's humanitarian and disaster management challenges in the Asian century".

Sula Bruce, AIDF Event Director said "we are encouraged by the level of support that we have received in launching our first ever Asia-Pacific event. The organizations we are working with are keen to use the event as a platform to build new and strengthen existing cross-sector partnerships. Partnerships have always been at the core of AIDF's ethos and with such support, we are excited about what we can achieve at AIDF Asia-Pacific

AIDF Asia-Pacific is co-hosted by headline sponsor RMA Group, who will also be sponsoring the 'RMA Group NGO Zone', exhibition space free of charge to qualifying NGOs to enable smaller NGOs to attend the event, thereby enhancing the experience for both visitors and exhibitors.  

AIDF Asia-Pacific is a FREE event - Click here <http://www.aidforumonline.org/aidf_asia_pacific/registration>  to register

Visit our webpage to find out more information on visiting AIDF in January - http://www.aidforumonline.org/aidf_asia_pacific/visit



 Amanda Melving | Marketing Assistant| Aid & International Development Forum

T +44 (0) 207 871 0188 | F +44 (0) 207 871 0101 | E amelving at aidforumonline.org

Trans-World House, 100 City Road, London EC1Y 2BP United Kingdom


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AIDF Asia-Pacific  <http://www.aidforumonline.org/aidf_asia_pacific/exhibitor_enquiry> 30-31 January | AIDF Washington D.C.  <http://www.aidforumonline.org/aidf_washington> 20-21 May



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