[Capacity Development] Invitation of CDWG meeting 11 April Event 2013, 9-11.30 AM at NGO Resource Centre

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Thu Apr 4 09:08:03 BST 2013

Dear colleagues,

The Capacity Development Working Group (CDWG) welcomes you to join our 
next discussion forum entitled:

Working Together:  How can the not for profit enterprises partner with 
private companies to improve social outcomes in Vietnam?

The forum will be held at: VUFO-NGO Resource Center (La Thanh Hotel, Doi 
Can, Hanoi)

On Thursday 11 April 2013 from 9:00am to 11:30am

Please see attached a printable copy of our agenda for the day and below 
a brief description of the event.

/How can the not for profit enterprises partner with private companies 
to improve social outcomes in Vietnam?/

Given the overlap in stakeholders and objectives, there seems to exist 
an opportunity for not-for-profit

organizations (NPOs) to work with socially responsible enterprises.  But 
what is the best way to approach such collaborations?

When are collaborations more or less effective?  What assets are key for 
each player to bring to the table?

NPOs are diverse in terms of their missions, strategies, methods and 
organizational forms and, quite appropriately, there

are contrasting views about the appropriate goals, strategies, and 
tactics for working with for-profit enterprises.

The Capacity Development Working Group is inviting Vietnam based 
experts, representing different approaches, to

come and talk about the potential the for-profit sector has to help 
build the capacity of local NPOs.

9 :30 to 9:45am


Welcome & Introduction to Moderator


Neil, CDWG Co-Chair



9:45 to 10:30am


Short Presentations by Panel Speakers

·Seeking Funding and Working Alongside a Company to Achieve Shared Goals


Mr. Nguyen Thanh Viet, CARE International in VN


·Findings from a 2012 study on the potential to link NPOs working on CSR 
issues in Vietnam


Stephanie Benamozig, Country Director, Batik International




·How Can NPOs Partner with Social Enterprises?


Ms. Tang Thi Duyen Hong, Marine Gifts

10:30am to11:15am


Group Discussion



11: 15 to 11:30am


Wrap-Up & Announcements


Neil, CDWG Co-Chair


*Neil Poetschka l*Health & Social Sector Program Coordinator*l* CARE 
International in Vietnam*l Address: *92 To Ngoc Van Street, Tay Ho 
District, Hanoi*l Post: *PO Box 20 Hanoi *l Phone: *+84 4 
37161930**(ext: 421)*l Fax: +*84 437161935*l Mobile:*  +84 123 603 0026 
*l Email:* neil at care.org.vn <mailto:neil at care.org.%20vn> *l www: 
*http://www.care.org.au/*l *

P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.

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