[Capacity Development] Mapping climate change and disaster risk reduction education and communication in Vietnam

Pham Thi Bich Nga nga.phambich at livelearn.org
Wed Jan 23 08:20:38 GMT 2013

Dear colleagues and friends,

For those who are interested in climate change and disaster risk reduction
education and communication in Vietnam, the matrix of the mapping and
presentation can be found by following this link:

Should you need further information, please kindly contact Live & Learn at
vietnam at livelearn.org.

Best regards,

Pham Thi Bich Nga

Trung tâm Sống và Học tập vì Môi trường và Cộng đồng
Số 30, Ngõ 32/26, Tô Ngọc Vân, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

PH: +844 37185930; M: +84 (0)983 23 83 73
E: nga.phambich at livelearn.org
W: www.livelearn.org, www.thehexanh.net
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