[Childrights-wg] Next meeting of Child Rights Working Group on 25 October, 2PM at NGO Resource Centre.

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Thu Oct 18 10:06:33 BST 2012

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

You are all invited to join the next meeting of Child Rights Working 
Group on 25 October. It will be held at NGO Resource Centre by 2 PM. We 
will discuss 4 topics which are as below:

1. Summary the output of the workshop on NGO-CSOs CRC Complementary 
Reporting and the follow up actions - SC
2. Discuss and get consensus on  the recommendations to be added to the 
CRWG 's annual report 2012 - ALL
3. Work plan of CRWG in 2013 and the next period of time  - ALL
4. Comments for VAPCR's study on NGOs role - ALL

Further information or any comment for agenda please contact the group 
Mr. Le Ngoc Bao at BaoLN at childfund.org.vn and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Chau 
at minhchau_moha at yahoo.com

Looking forward to seeing you all at NGORC
Best regards,


Phan Thu Ha
Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
218 Doi Can, Hanoi - La Thanh Hotel
Tel: +84 4 8328570  Fax: +84 4 8328611
Mobile: 0912174879
Email: haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
web: http://www.ngocentre.org.vn

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