[Childrights-wg] Email mailing list issue

Arthur Hanlon communications at ngocentre.org.vn
Wed Oct 24 07:24:57 BST 2012

Dear Disaster Management and Child Rights mailing list subscribers

Some of you have reported that e-mail messages received from these 
mailing lists arrive apparently empty. However, the message is in an 
attachment which you need to open. This was raised at the meeting of 
Working Groups' coordinators and chairpersons on 15 October.

This is causing confusion and can slow down browsing of emails. It is 
not the case with e-mails coming in from any of the other working groups 
and is not consistent.

The NGO Resource Centre has been investigating the issue. We believe it 
only occurs using Outlook or similar email applications. It does not 
occur using webmail applications, such as Gmail or Yahoo.

We recommend subscribers to these mailing lists adopt one of three 
possible solutions:

1. use a web browser to access mailing list emails
2. use a Gmail or Yahoo account to access mailing list emails
3. Use the latest free Thunderbird email client, which you can download 


     or here:


Best wishes

Arthur Hanlon
Communications Adviser
VUFO-NGO Resource Centre
Building F1, La Thanh Hotel
218 Doi Can, Hanoi, Vietnam
Phone: +84 4 3832 8570 / Mobile: +84 168 761 8637
Email: communications at ngocentre.org.vn 
<mailto:communications at ngocentre.org.vn>
Web: www.ngocentre.org.vn <http://www.ngocentre.org.vn>

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