[Childrights-wg] Fwd: VAPCR's proposal - seeking your response on VAPCR's research

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Oct 19 03:56:24 BST 2012

Dear Colleagues,

It would be highly appreciate if you can review the letter below from 
VAPCR and bring your feedback to our CRWG meeting on 25 October or  send 
your response directly to VAPCR as quick as you can.

See you all on 25 afternoon,

Have a great weekend and enjoy!

Dear CRWG members,

Vietnam association for Protection of Children's Rights (VAPCR) wish to 
express our complement to you and would like to request the followings:

As agreed upon in the Cooperation Plan betwwen MOLISA and VAPCR 2012, 
VAPCR has been carried out the research on " NGO role in Child Rights 
Protection (CRP), especially CRP for children in difficulty from remoted 
and far-off areas".

We have learnt that CRWG members have made great and meaningful 
contribution in child rights promotion and protection in Vietnam. We, 
therefore, wish to have your inputs and recommendations in this regards 
to make the reseach better quality and lay good basis for the coming 
amended Law on Protection, Care and Education Law for Children.

Could you share us information on the followings:


    Main achievements, difficulties and challenges during some recent


    Criteria for evaluation (measure) of a certain NGO's performance.
    (Tiêu chí ?ánh giá (thu+o+'c ?o) su+. "Thành ?a.t" cu?a mo^.t to^?
    chu+'c xã ho^.i)


    Suggestive recommendations to Government

We hope to have your feedback sharing in the coming Oct meeting  of CRWG 
after VAPCR short presentation or by email sending to 
_daotramy7360 at yahoo.com <mailto:daotramy7360 at yahoo.com>_and 
lehuong870509 at yahoo.com

Thank you very much for your cooperation.


*Hoi Bao ve Quyen Tre em Viet Nam
ICD Director, VAPCR*

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