[Childrights-wg] Fw: Invitation to Parliamentarian Partnership Forum on childrights on 15 April

Tran Thanh trthuathanh at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 11 08:49:01 BST 2014

Các anh chị thân mến 
Theo giấy mời của UBVHGDTTNND cua QH có 2 phiên họp liên quan đến 2 lĩnh vực: Luật BV Môi trường và Tòa án chuyên trác vị thành niên.
Hiện nay chị Lan Minh và chị Lan nắm chắc 2 nội dung nầy . Vì vậy đề nghị cử 2 chị Lan và Lan minh tham dự .
Đề nghị thường trực QĐ.
Thanh Thanh

On Thursday, 10 April 2014, 18:10, Pham Thi Lan <ptlan at unicef.org> wrote:
Dear colleagues,
>I would like to invite you to participate in the above forum.
>As you know, UNICEF in collaboration with the Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children of the National Assembly to hold a Parliamentary Partnership Forum with a focus on promotion of children's rights in the Law on Environmental Protection and the establishment of the Court for Children. Below are the details of the forum:
>Place: Nhà khách Văn phòng Quốc hội, 27 A Trần Hưng Đạo
>Time: 8:00 -16:00 on 15 April 2014.
>Attached please find the forum agenda in both English and Vietnamese. 
>(See attached file: Agenda-ENG.docx)(See attached file: Agenda-VNM.docx)
>Please let me know who is interested to participate in the forum.
>Phạm Thị Lan (Ms) - Parliamentary Governance Specialist 
>UNICEF Viet Nam, 81A Tran Quoc Toan Str., Ha Noi
>Telephone: (84-4) 39425706, ext. 344, Cell: (84-9) 12381438
>Fax: (84-4) 39425705
>E-mail: ptlan at unicef.org, 
>Web: www.unicef.org/vietnam 
>PProtect environment for children, don't print unless required
>Phan Thu Ha ---10-04-2014 09:24:16---Dear Colleagues and Friends, As scheduled, our CRWG will organise the next meeting on 11 April, 2014
>Phan Thu Ha <haphan at ngocentre.org.vn> 
>childrights-wg <childrights-wg at ngocentre.org.vn> 
>10-04-14 09:24 
>[Childrights-wg] Child Rights Working Group meeting on 11 April,	2014, 10 AM 
>Sent by: 
>childrights-wg-bounces at ngocentre.org.vn 
>Dear Colleagues and Friends,
>As scheduled, our CRWG will organise the next meeting on 11 April, 2014.You are all invited to come our meeting:
>Date:  Friday, 11 April, 2014
>Time: 10 AM
>Venue: Office of VN Association for Child Protection - Tri Thuc Palace (CUNG TRI THUC HANOI) - The Fifth Floor.
> The main topics at the meeting will be as below:
>1. Update all activities on Childrights from all membets
>2. Discussion on request from DCPC-MOLISA to WVV
>s support for assessment of 9 years of implementation the Children law.  
>3.Discussion on the methodology to develop joint recommendations  and organise the consultation workshop on the revision of law. 
>4. Discuss and agree on the media event 
>5. AOB
>6. Next meeting and follow up action.
>If you have any comments or additions to agenda of the meeting, please contact our Co-Chairs Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Chau at minhchau_moha at yahoo.com and Mrs. Khong Huong Lan at khong_huong_lan at wvi.org
>Looking forward to seeing you all at"CUNG TRI THUC"
>Phan Thu Ha
>Sent from the Child Rights Working Group Mailing List.
>If you reply, please do not CC everyone on the list. Rather, send a separate message to the individual you are replying to.
>Avoid sending attachments, but if you must send them keep them small - 500 kilobyte maximum for each email. 
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