[Childrights-wg] Course Training of Child Rights Working Group on Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) 26 March, 2015

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Mar 6 09:20:38 GMT 2015

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As you know the Convention on the Rights of the Child Adopted and opened
for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution
44/25 of 20 November 1989  entry into force 2 September 1990, in accordance
with article 49. Viet Nam was the first country in Asia and the  second
country in the world to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
in 1990. However, not all of us can be knowledgeable and have well
understanding on  CRC. Full understanding on CRC will help ourselves in to
fulfill the children rights as well as supporting/advocating for children
rights more effectively.

To celebrate 25th years of implementing the CRC in Vietnam and to fill the
gap on , Child Rights Working Group In collaboration with WorldVision Viet
Nam and Plan International to organize  a one day training course on
Convention on the Rights of the Child on 26 of March. The purpose of the
workshop is providing basis understanding on United Nation Convention on
the Rights of the Child and how to apply it in our work and daily life. If
you are working with and for children or even if you are interested to
learn about Children rights to support your own children better, please
join the training and to be active participating to the group discussion
during the training session.

*In order to make good preparation for the training, we would like to send
you a need assessment form for filling up and details agenda (file
attached) for your reference.*

*Please fill up the Need Assessment Form and send back to Mrs. Van at *
*Le_Thi_Khanh_Van at wvi.org* <Le_Thi_Khanh_Van at wvi.org>* and Mrs. Nga at *
*Vu_Thi_Nga at wvi.orgThe* <Vu_Thi_Nga at wvi.orgThe>* deadline for sending back
the form will be on 15 of March.* The training will be opened for about 30
participants, therefore, the registration could be closed before the
deadline if we get enough the registration. So please register as soon as
you can.

Looking forward to receive your active Participation,

Best regards,

Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
Tel: 04 38328570
Mob: 0912174879
Email: haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
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