[Childrights-wg] 3, 000 children enslaved in Britain after being trafficked from Vietnam | Global development | The Guardian

Margrit Schlosser margrit.schlosser at gmail.com
Sun May 24 12:20:42 BST 2015

For your information:

"Hien was 10 when he arrived in Britain. He did not know where he was or where he had been. He knew only that he was here to work. Since he emerged from the back of a lorry after crossing from Calais seven years ago, his experience has been one of exploitation and misery. He has been a domestic slave, been trafficked into cannabis factories, been abused and beaten and was eventually prosecuted and sent to prison. It has been a life of terror, isolation and pain.

Hien’s story is not unique. He is one of an estimated 3,000 Vietnamese children in forced labour in the UK, used for financial gain by criminal gangs running cannabis factories, nail bars, garment factories, brothels and private homes. Charged up to £25,000 for their passage to the UK, these children collectively owe their traffickers almost £75m."


Margrit Schlosser, Dr.phil.I
Neusatzweg 13
CH 4102 Binningen
Schweiz / Switzerland
Natel: (+41) 079 9033446
Email: margrit.schlosser at gmail.com

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