[Disability-vn] Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all

Nguyen Thi Lan Anh lananh at acdc.org.vn
Fri Oct 11 13:45:36 ICT 2013

International Day of Persons with Disabilities, 3 December 2013

*Theme: “Break barriers, open doors: for an inclusive society for all”*

More than 1 billion people or 15% of the world population are living with
disabilities - the world’s largest and most disadvantaged group - most of
which, are in developing countries!

Around the world, persons with disabilities face physical, social, economic
and attitudinal barriers that exclude them from participating fully and
effectively as equal members of society. They are disproportionately
represented among the world’s poorest, and lack equal access to basic
resources, such as education, employment, healthcare and social and legal
support systems, as well as have a higher rate of mortality. In spite of
this situation, disability has remained largely invisible in the mainstream
development agenda and its processes.

Earlier, the international disability movement achieved an extraordinary
advance in 2006, with the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities. The Convention follows decades of work by the
United Nations to change attitudes and approaches to disability that
would ensure the full equality and participaton of persons with
disabilities in society. The Convention is intended as a human rights
instrument with an explicit, development dimension. However, to realize
equality and participation for persons with disabilities, they must be
included in all development processes and, now more importantly, in the new
emerging post-2015 development framework.

The UN General Assembly emphasizes that the genuine achievement of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and other internationally agreed
development goals, requires the inclusion and integration of the rights,
and well-being, as well as the perspective of persons with disabilities in
development efforts at national, regional and international levels.

Toward this end, in 2011, the Assembly decided to convene a one-day
high-level meeting on disability and development (HLMDD) at the level of
Heads of State and Government, under the theme: “The way forward: a
disability inclusive development agenda towards 2015 and beyond”. The HLMDD
will present a historical opportunity to mainstream disability in the
global agenda towards a post -2015 development framework that would
translate the international commitment for a disability-inclusive society
into concrete action and real changes on the ground in the lives of persons
with disabilities.

The timing of the HLMDD to be held on 23 September 2013 is strategic;
taking place five years after the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons
with Disabilities entered into force, two years after release of the World
Report on Disability and two years away from 2015 -- the target date for
the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) -- and
thereafter, the commencement of the post-2015 agenda and new development

This outcome of the HLMDD will take shape in a concise, action-oriented
outcome document  that will provide policy guidance and help strengthen
global efforts to ensure accessibility for and inclusion of persons with
disabilities in all aspects of society and  development.

*It’s time to break barriers and open doors: to realize an inclusive
society for all!*

By 3 December 2013, the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we
will have the outcome document of the HLMDD, which would provide an
blueprint for action and ideal platform to launch global efforts to help
realize the full and equal participation of persons with disabilities in
society and shape the future of development for all!

*What you can do to observe IDPD2013*

*Include:* Observance of the Day provides opportunities for participation
by all stakeholders – Governments, the UN system, civil society and
organizations of persons with disabilities – to focus on issues related to
the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development, both as
beneficiaries and agents.

*Organize:* Hold forums, public discussions and information campaigns to
help find innovative ways and means by which persons with disabilities and
their families can be further integrated into their societies and
development plans.

*Celebrate:* Plan and organize performances everywhere to showcase - and
celebrate - the contributions made by persons with disabilities as agents
of change and development in the communities in which they live.

*Take Action:* A major focus of the Day is practical and concrete action to
include disability in all aspects of development, as well as to further the
participation of persons with disabilities in social life and development
on the basis of equality. Highlight progress and obstacles in implementing
disability-sensitive policies, as well as promote public awareness to break
barriers and open doors: for an inclusive society for all.

Action to the community development center (ACDC)
R1308, VNT Tower, 19 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hà Nội.
Tel: 04 66 75 39 46 - 04 6291 0814
Legal Advice: 04 6281 1234
Email: lananh at acdc.org.vn - Website: http://acdc.org.vn

*Chúng tôi tồn tại vì sự phát triển của cộng đồng NKT Việt  Nam*
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