[Disability-vn] New video: The Ability Factor

Vu Thi Binh Minh binhminh at ilo.org
Fri Mar 14 17:06:20 ICT 2014

Dear chi Ha,
Please help me to circulate the video to different organizations
working on promoting employment for persons with disabilities.
Thank you in advance and Best regards,
Vu Thi Binh Minh
New: Two minute animation about the business case for employing people
with disabilities 

The Ability Factor: Employing people with disabilities makes good
business sense
People with disabilities are the world's largest minority group (1
billion people - 15% of the world's population; of which 785 million are
of working age). They face many barriers to employment, including
physical, information and attitudinal barriers. Stereotypes and
misconceptions prevent them from accessing jobs because these often
focus on their disability instead of ability, when in fact they can and
do work. This short video aims to raise awareness about the benefits of
employing people with disabilities.
The video has been jointly produced by the International Labour
Organization (ILO) Global Business and Disability Network and the
ILO/International Finance Corporation (IFC) Better Work partnership.
Links to video on ILO TV are:
Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0lt0KFhUek (French and
Spanish subtitles available)
Audio Description Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mktLKnQb47M 
Vũ Thị Bình Minh (Ms), MBA
National Project Coordinator
International Labour Organization
48-50 Nguyen Thai Hoc Street, Hanoi
Tel: +84 (4) 3734 0902, ext 227; Fax: +84 (4) 3734 0904
Mobile: +84 988 78 28 98
Email: binhminh at ilo.org
Decent Work for All through Inclusive Employment Opportunities.
Promoting the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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