[Disability-vn] Fwd: FW: New Calls for Proposals funded by the European Union.

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Jan 5 09:13:16 GMT 2015



        We are pleased to inform you that the European Commission has
        recently launched 2 new Calls for Proposals:

        - Local Call for Proposals under the European Instrument for
        Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR): The specific objectives of
        this Call for Proposal are (1) To protect and promote ethnic
        minorities' land and resource-related rights; (2) To support
        inclusive, relevant and quality education for ethnic minority
        children; and (3) To protect and promote labour rights and
        decent work. The deadline for submission of the concept notes is
        11th February 2015.

        The web link to this Call for Proposals
        is:_https://ec.europa.eu/europeaid_(under the section: About
        funding / Call for proposals and call for tenders (click "Search
        by reference" and insert 136353)

        - Regional Call for Proposals under the SWITCH-Asia programme:
        The specific objective of the this Call for Proposals is to
        promote sustainable production (development of less polluting
        and more resource efficient products, processes and services)
        and sustainable consumption patterns and behaviours in Asia
        (purchase of less polluting and more resource-efficient
        products; conducting more sustainable lifestyles and behaviour).
        The Programme aims at identifying and scaling up successful SCP
        practices in Asia in order to induce a systematic change in
        consumption and production patterns and behavior.  The deadline
        for submission of the concept notes is 9th February 2015.

        Detailed information about this Call for Proposals, including
        details Guidelines for Applicants, can be found in the EU’s

        Attached are the brief descriptions of the 2 Calls for Proposals
        for your reference.

        Please kindly help us to pass this message to organisations that
        you think would be interested in and eligible for this Programme.

        Many thanks and Happy New Year!


        <<Notification of SWITCH CfPs to DP-Dec 2014.doc>>
        <<Notitification of the launching of EIDHR CfP 2014.doc>>

        Dinh Thu Phuong

        Cooperation and Development Section


        24th floor, West wing, Lotte Centre Hanoi, 54 Lieu Giai, Ba Dinh
        district, Hanoi

        Tel.: +84.4.39410099, ext. 227

        Direct line +84.4.39461729

        Fax : +84.4.39461701

        Email:_mailto:delegation-vietnam at eeas.europa.eu_




        This is an informal communication, and does not necessarily
        reflect the official position of the Delegation of the European
        Union to Vietnam, nor the position of the European Union.

Phan Thu Ha
Senior Working Groups Coordinator
NGO Resource Centre
Tel: 04 38328570     Fax: 04 38328611
Trung Tu Diplomatic Compound, Building E3, Room 201
6 Dang Van Ngu, Dong Da, Hanoi
Mobile: 0912174879
Email:haphan at ngocentre.org.vn

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