[Disability-vn] [DRD News in Jan, Feb and March, 2016]

Phụng Huỳnh Kim kimphung at drdvietnam.com
Thu Apr 14 23:06:26 ICT 2016

Dear colleagues and friends,

First of all, we would like to send you our warmest greeting from
Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD).

We are honor to send you our newsletter. To download a full pdf version
please click on the link. Please feel free to forward this to your network.

Best regards,

[image: header]
2016 *>>Download
full version*

[image: introduction]

Established on 03/12/2005, DRD is a non-governmental and non-profit
organization working for the rights of PWDsand operated by people with
disabilities (PWDs).

DRD and the community are building a support model based on the rights of
PWDs in an effort to foster equal opportunities for PWDs, encourage and
create favorable conditions for PWDs to participate fully in all activities
like other members in society.

Kind Regards

[image: Activities]

*1. The Launch of DRD’s Organizational Strategy Development 2016-2020 and A
Road Map to the Future 2025*

On March 18, 2016, Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) held
The Launch of DRD’s Organizational Strategy Development 2016-2020 and A
Road Map to the Future 2025. Representatives at the ceremony were Mr.
Joakim Parker – Director of United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) and Mr. Stephen Berlinguette – representing USAID
department in HCM city.

*[image: Giám đốc USAID]*

*Mr. Joakim Parker – director of USAID stated*

Attendees at the launch consisted of representatives of the Department of
Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs in Tay Ninh and some other social
organizations such as *United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF),
International Labour Organization (ILO), LIN Center for Community
Development*, *Research Center - Counseling Social Work & Community
Development (SDRC); representative of Hoa Sen university*, *HCM City Open
university* and the event was attended by many people with disabilities in
HCM city and some Disabled Persons’ Organizations from other provinces
participated in the ceremony

In his speech, Mr. Joakim Parker- Director of USAID in Vietnam,
complimented Vietnam on efforts to support people with disabilities, as
demonstrated by numerous activities which Vietnam took part in such
as: *Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified in 2014, Committee on
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities entered in 2005.* >>Readmore

*2. Launching ceremony of the project “Disability Access Route to

In the afternoon of March 31, 2016 the launching ceremony of the
project *“Disability
Access Route to Education” - DARE* was held in the conference room of
Ramana Hotel – District 3 – HCMC by the sponsor from the Embassy of
Ireland. This project is being conducted in 2 universities (Department of
Social and Human Sciences – HCMC National University and HCMC University of
Pedagogy) from January 2016 to December 2017.

*Mrs Nuala O’Brien – **Head of development at the Embassy of Ireland*

*During the ceremony, Mrs. Nuala O’Brien – Head of development at the
Embassy of Ireland shared: “To support people with disabilities in Vietnam
to participate equally in the community and to realize their potential is
an important goal of Irish Aid in Vietnam. People with disabilities still
are effective actors of community building as other citizens if their
rights are fully implemented and if they have enough opportunities.”

*View Trailer DARE* <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz_Go3TOul4>

*3. Launching Accessibility Map Application – DMap*

On the morning of March 1st 2016, at the conference room of Hoa Sen
University (Nguyen Van Trang campus, District 1), Disability Research and
Capacity Development Center (DRD) held a ceremony to launchthe
Accessibility Map Application which is called DMap.

*[image: Bà lưu thị ánh loan]*

*Ms Luu Thi Anh Loan – Acting Director of DRD statement*

Accessibility Map Application – DMap is a social project of DRD, which has
been implemented since 2015 with Hoa Sen University. This project has been
supported from students and lecturers from different faculties including
Science and Technology, Economy and Trading, and Professional Training.

Madam. Bui Tran Phuong – Principal of Hoa Sen University stated: “…One of
the objectives of this project is to break barriers of lacking information.
When society is having public buildings that are included accessibly
features for persons with disabilities, why don’t we break the barriers of
information and find the way to persons with disabilities access those
public buildings…” >>Readmore

*View Trailer DMAP* <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=An1eZTKuPNM>

*4. Launching ceremony of the project “Accessibility for inclusion of
people with disabilities” in Tay Ninh*

On January 14th, 2016, the Disability research and capacity development
center (DRD) and the Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped (VNAH)
organized the launching ceremony of projects to support people with
disabilities in Tay Ninh. This program was financed by United States Agency
for International Development (USAID).

Mr. Christopher Abrams – representative of USAID and representatives of
different departments of Tay Ninh were present.

*[image: Ông Christopher Abrams - đại diện cơ quan Phát triển QUốc tế Hoa
Kì (USAID) phát biểu 1]*

*Mr. Christopher Abrams – representative of USAID*

On this occasion, Ms. Luu Thi Anh Loan, representative of DRD, presented
the project “*Accessibility for inclusion of people with disabilities”* whom
overall target is to build a society without barriers for people with
disabilities (PWDs). So they can take part in all activities such as
social, economic, and education activities in an equal and equitable way.
To do that the policies provided for PWD by the law must be applied, social
work must be strengthened and approaches must be based on community
resources. >>Readmore


*5. Training about “Working skills for students with disabilities”*

Thanks to the support of the Seattle International Foundation, the
Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD) organized a training
about the topic “Working skills for students with disabilities” on March 26
and 27, 2016 at the Union Hotel in Can Tho City. The participants were the
members of the Chung Soc Club of Dong Thap University and the Club of
students with disabilities of Can Tho University. The trainer was Mr. Le
Huu Thuong of the Disability Research and Capacity Development (DRD).

*6. Sharing and introduction for the program “Independent Living” at Maison

To let people with disabilities inspire each other by their experiences of
success and failure and their life stories is one of the most essential
activities of the program “Independent Living” of the Disability Research
and Capacity Development (DRD), under the sponsorship of Nippon Foundation
and the Human Care Association of Japan. On March 20, 2016, a meeting
gathered over 30 people including people with disabilities, personal
assistants (PA), volunteers and members at Maison Chance. >>Readmore

*7. Making a Personal plan training*

On the Sunday morning, 6/3/2016, the project Support for Students with
disabilities (DRD) organized a training session with topic: “Developing
personal plan” with participaants of 20 students with disabilities and
volunteers. Mr. Nguyen Van Cu – Vice President of DRD center is trainer for
this program. >>Readmore

*8. Training Workshop: Disability Equality Training in Tay Ninh province*

Disability Research and Capacity Development and the Tay Ninh's Labor, War
invalids and Social affairs Department co-organized the training workshop
on Disability Equality Training persons with disabilities (DET) on March 23
and 24, 2016. This activity is one of the activities implemented in the
project “Accessibility for Inclusion” with funding from USAID. >>Readmore

*9. An experience at shopping centre*

To most of people, going to a supermarket is just a regular daily activity.
However, many students with disabilities (SWDs) shared that they had never
been to a shopping centre before. This was the reason our team of the
project “support for SWDs” decided to plan a visiting tour to a shopping
mall on the last January 1st. >>Readmore

*10. Spontaneous Painting*

On January 10, 2016, the project of supporting students with disabilities
of DRD along with Toa Tau organized a painting workshop for people with
disabilities (PWD). This program took place at the An Dien center for PWD
(Thu Duc District). >>Readmore

*11. Wonderful collaborations*

On January 17, 2016 the Disability Research and Capacity Development center
(DRD) hosted the program Independent Living organized by the Independent
Living Project financed by the Nippon Foundation and the Human Care
Association in Japan. On this occasion, 25 people with disabilities,
personal assistants and volunteers expressed their thanks and shared their
dynamism after one year of activities to help people with disabilities to
live independently. >>Readmore

*12. Conference: Independent Living Model for Persons With Severe
Disabilities in Vietnam*

On January 21, 2016, a conference about Independent Living Model For People
With Severe Disabilities in Vietnam was held under the organizing direction
of the Department of Social Protection
<http://www.molisa.gov.vn/en/Pages/Detail-organization.aspx?tochucID=20> –
Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs at Kim Lien Hotel, Hanoi.
The purpose of the program was “Direction to Sustainable Development of
Independent Living Model - Needs for assistance and practice of independent
living rights for PWD in Vietnam.” >>Readmore

*1. Films made by deaf people screened*

[image: dothihien79645742PM]

Film director Đỗ Thị Hiền (first from left) and hearing impaired cameraman
Phạm Văn Thức (centre) are watching a scene in Chuyện Bạn Tay. Photo
courtesy of Filmmaking For Deaf People Project

HÀ NỘI (VNS) – First short films made by people with disabilities in Việt
Nam were shown at Công Nhân Theatre on April 2.

The films include documentaries and motion pictures, which were made by
people with hearing impairment.

The ten documentaries and two films are the result of the Filmmaking
Project for Deaf People. The project was launched by filmmaker Đỗ Thị Hiền,
a new graduate, and her friend.

The four-month project was implemented from December, 2015, to March 2016.

In the first two months of the project, 12 selected hearing impaired people
were trained in filmmaking. Then they produced their own films in the
following two months.

“I think cinema is a good way to help the people with hearing impairment
express themselves,” Hiền said.

She also can communicate in the deaf people’s sign language. >>Readmore

*2. Autism sufferers face social barriers*

HÀ NỘI — People with autism face barriers to social inclusion and lack
equal access to healthcare services, education and employment. This was
heard at the workshop “Autism in Việt Nam–Current situation and challenges”
in Hà Nội on Saturday.

The workshop was held by the Việt Nam Autism Network (VAN) and Asia-Pacific
Development Centre on Disability (APCD) as part of a series of events to
mark World Autism Awareness Day (April 2).  >>Readmore

*Recruit for Jia Hsin Limited Company*

*Work place:* Cau Tram industry zone, Can Duoc Ward, Long An province

*Working time:* From Monday to Saturday

*1. Office positions*



General requirements

Director/ Manager/ Head of Department


Import – export/ customer service



- Graduated College with relevant major or have one – year experience in a
similar position

- Be proficient in English/ Chinese listening – writing – speaking

- Engineer/ Security position does not require language skill

Corporate social responsibility



Exploitation pattern/ Costing



Order/ Production coordinator



Quality management/ Production management



Engineer – maintenance



IT/ Warehouse


Accountant/ Personnel/ Administration/ Security


English/ Chinese interpreter


Director assistant

*Salary and welfare:*

Salary is dependent on experience and ability

Employer has a policy for personal career development

All legal employment and workplace regulations are implemented

Bus pick up from HCM City to place of work

*Job application:*

Application letter & Curriculum Vitae in Vietnamese/ English/ Chinese

Qualifications/ Certificates

Other relevant documents (not obligatory)

*2.   Worker*

*Job requirement:* Stick stamps, clean shoes/ sandals, line shoes, give
cards etc.

*General requirement:* Candidate should have two hands, good eyesight, self
- mobility, have a disability certificate, basic literacy.

*Salary:* From 4.700.000 to 5.300.000 VND/ month


Bonus to encourage self-improvement (Qualification)

Social insurance/ Health insurance/ Unemployment insurance

Free lunch

Support for Childcare

Vocational training

Friendly working environment

*Job application:*

Application letter with photo

Curriculum Vitae with photo

Identity card copy

Permanent residence copy

Disability certificate copy

Health certification


06 color photos (2x3 cm)

*Note:* all documents above have to be authenticated and be valid for at
least six months

*Closing date for application:* 08/2016

*For more details, please contact:*

*Employment department – Disability Research and Capacity Development
center (DRD)*

*Address:* 311K8 Street no 7, Resettlement area of Thu Thiem, An Phu Ward,
District 2, HCMC.

*Tel:* (08) 62 67 99 22 (ext: 113 or 114 meet Tú Quyên or Phan Thị Rát

*Email:* vieclam at drdvietnam.com

*Note:* To get the best information support, you should ask questions
directly on the DRD website at: drdvietnam.org. We do not support answers
on the website to share information.

Huỳnh Kim Phụng
Trung tâm Khuyết tật và Phát triển (DRD)
Nhân viên truyền thông
311K8, đường số 7, Khu nhà tái định cư Thủ Thiêm, Phường An Phú, Quận 2,
Email: kimphung at drdvietnam
web: www.drdvietnam.org - drdvietnam.com
tel: (08) 3 62 67 99 11 (Ext 131) - 0167 887 2057
fax: (08) 3 62 67 99 22
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