[dmwg] Meeting minutes of DMWG on 23 November and next DMWG Meeting on 18 Jan., 2013

Phan Thu Ha haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Tue Jan 8 07:46:09 GMT 2013

Dear Friends&  Colleagues from DMWG,

Attached please find  the last meeting's minutes for your information,
consideration and perusal.

(See attached file: Meeting Note_DMWG on 21 Dec 2012-First Draft.docx)

Presentations at meeting now are available on website

  You are cordially invited to participate in the monthly meeting, which will
be from 14.00 until 16.30 of Jan. 18, 2013 at NGO-Resource Center, 218 Doi
Can, Hanoi - La Thanh Hotel. The following is tentative agenda of the
meeting for your consideration and possible inputs

1. Review of the last meeting's minutes

2. Presentation on results of the review on current effort on CBDRM and
draft communication strategy for CBDRM by PeaPROs Consulting JSC

3. Updates from participating agencies

4. DMWG Plan of Action for 2013: (This will be a good chance for you and
agencies to share about planned activities targeting DMWG members...!!!).
Attached please find a spreadsheet for your brainstorming and sharing with

(See attached file: DMWG POA of 2013.xls)

5. Others.

Your confirmation of participation and comments/inputs would be highly
welcomed and appreciated

Thanks and best regards


Le Van Duong

National Humanitarian&  Emergency Affairs (HEA) Coordinator - World Vision
Relief Operation Manager, Asia - Pacific Regional Disaster Management Team

Office Address: 4th floor, HEAC Building 14-16 Ham Long Street
Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi, Vietnam

Email: le_van_duong at wvi.org
Mobile: +84.904162634 (Vietnam)
Phone: + 844.3.9439920
Skype ID: le_van_duong

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