[dmwg] Call for Papers - ISCRAM Vietnam 2013 conference

Serge Stinckwich serge.stinckwich at gmail.com
Mon Jun 17 08:56:38 BST 2013


ISCRAM (Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management)
Vietnam 2013 Conference

Oct 30th-Nov 1st, 2013

Website: http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/public/ISCRAM-VN2013.html


The conference is intended for researchers and practitioners in the
South-East Asia region who are working in the area of disasters and
risks. This conference will take place in Ha Noi, Vietnam from the
30th October to November 1st at the Institut de la Francophonie pour
l'Informatique (IFI).

# Description

The aim of this 3 day conference is to bring together both researchers
and practitioners in the South-East Asian region that are working on
state-of-the-art crisis information systems. The conference will be a
unique opportunity to exchange information and knowledge, and provide
a forum for discussion of new research results, best practices and
case studies. The first day of the conference is dedicated to
tutorials, this will be followed by 2 days of scientific presentations

ISCRAM Vietnam 2013 is part of the ISCRAM (Information Systems for
Crisis Response and Management) (http://www.iscram.org/) conference
series. The ISCRAM Association's primary mission is to foster a
community dedicated to promoting research and development, exchange of
knowledge and deployment of information systems for crisis management,
including the social, technical and practical aspects of all
information and communication systems used or to be used in all phases
of management of emergencies, disasters and crises. Whilst there are
several ISCRAM events organized within Europe and North America, the
goal of the ISCRAM Vietnam conference is to bring together the large
number of researchers and practitioners concerned with information
systems for crisis management in the South East Asia region.

#Conference topics

Topics include, but are not limited to:

- Modeling and Simulation
- Human Experiences in the Design of Crisis Response and Management
Services and Systems
- Command and Control Studies
- Education and Training
- Planning, Foresight and/or Risk Analysis
- Social Media and Collaborative Systems
- Humanitarian actions
- Search & Rescue Robotics
- Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIS&T) for Crisis
Response and Management
- Research Methods
- Healthcare Crisis Management Systems
- Humanitarian Challenges
- Decision Support Methods for Complex Crises
- Wireless Connectivity Management
- Inter-Organizational Exercises and Operations
- Intelligent Systems
- Wireless Sensor Networks for Emergency Response
- Early Warning and Expert Systems for Disaster Management
- Serious Games for Crisis Management

# Submissions guidelines

All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical
quality, relevance, significance, and clarity. At least three reviews
for each paper will be conducted. We are looking for submission of
full research papers or reports on field studies (up to 8 pages).
Please note that practitioners papers are most welcome. All track
papers should be written in English and submitted electronically in
PDF format through the Easychair website
https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=iscramvn2013 and
should use the IEEE US letter format. Every submitted paper will be
evaluated by at least three members of the program committee. An ISBN
number for the proceedings will be available and the papers available
as arxiv proceedings.

# Important dates

- Aug 30th, 2013 Due date for papers submission
- Sept 21st, 2013 Final acceptance
- Oct 5th, 2013 Camera-ready paper due
- Oct 30th-Nov 1st, 2013 ISCRAM Vietnam 2013 conference

# Conference organizers

- Julie Dugdale, Université Pierre Mendès France, France
- Ho Tuong Vinh, MSI/IFI/Vietnam National University, Vietnam
- Nguyen Hong Phuong, Institute of Geophysics, Vietnam Academy of
Science and Technology, Vietnam
- Serge Stinckwich Serge Stinckwich, UMI 209 UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC), France

# Program committee (confirmed)

- Carole Adam, Université Joseph Fourier, France
- Tung Bui, University of Hawaii, USA
- Luong Chi Mai, IOIT, Vietnam
- Alexis Drogoul, UMI 209 UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC), France
- Chihab Hanachi, Toulouse University, France
- David Crookall, Nice University, France
- Julie Dugdale, Université Pierre Mendès France, France
- Benoit Gaudou, Toulouse University, France
- Nicolas Marilleau, UMI 209 UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC), France
- Tony Norris, Massey University, New Zealand
- Serge Stinckwich, UCBN & UMI 209 UMMISCO (IRD/UPMC), France
- Murray Turroff, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
- Bartel Van de Walle, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
- Song Yan, Harbin University, Peoples Republic of China

# Contact

Please contact Serge Stinckwich (Serge DOT Stinckwich AT gmail DOT
com) for further details about the conference.

Serge Stinckwich
Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk

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