[dmwg] FW: SGs Message for IDDR

Viet Vu Xuan Viet.VuXuan at oxfamnovib.nl
Tue Oct 14 08:17:01 ICT 2014

Hi everyone,

Sorry for any cross postings.

Please find attached the final statement from UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon for the 13th International Day for DRR.

Thank you very much.


VU XUAN VIET | Emergency Response Manager
Oxfam | 22 Le Dai Hanh | Hanoi, Vietnam
+84 4 3945 4448 ext 207 | +84 90 888 6399 | skype: vu.xuan.viet
www.oxfam.org/vietnam<http://www.oxfam.org/vietnam> | www.oxfamblogs.com/vietnam<http://www.oxfamblogs.com/vietnam>

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Oxfam does not tolerate abuse, fraud or corruption. We welcome feedback and treat information in confidence. Please share any concerns about our work. Call +84439454448 or email to oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk<mailto:oxfaminvietnam at oxfam.org.uk>.

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