[dmwg] Minutes of DMWG' monthly meeting of July - Update DMWG's ToR and Joint Assessment Training-Urgent!

Ha Phan haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Jul 30 17:11:18 +07 2018

Dear Friends & Colleagues,

Attached please find draft minutes of the last DMWG's monthly meeting of 
July, 2018 for your consideration and timely inputs and  coordination 
(Much thanks to Mr. Dang - Plan International for drafting!). In the 
meeting, the following key important points have been discussed and 
agreed by the participating agencies

1. *Updated DMWG's ToR*: In addition to request for updating contact 
person from your agency, please also consider about core membership 
status as well as possibility/ frequency of engagement/participation in 
join efforts. Please provide your inputs directly to the document in the 
link below


2. *ToR for Joint Assessment training*, which is scheduled on 20 - 21 
Aug., 2018. In this draft ToR, you can see your expected 
contribution/participation/facilitation of several sessions/assignments 
(even though some of you were not in the meeting!!!). Please provide 
your inputs/confirmation directly to the document in the link below. 
Once almost things are confirmed (within this week), invitation to DMWG 
members will be circulated by Ms. Thu Ha (NGO-RC) respectively - 
hopefully around early next week!


Should you have any further query, kindly let me and Ms. Thu Ha know at 
the soonest possible.

Thanks for your prioritization and contribution

With all the best

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