[dmwg] Invitation for DMWG meeting on 26 August, 2022

Ha Phan haphan at ngocentre.org.vn
Mon Aug 22 15:18:09 +07 2022

Dear colleagues and friends,

You are all cordially invited to join the regular meeting of Disaster 
Management Working Group. The details are as below:

*Date: 26th August, 2022*

*Time: 14 - 16 PM*

*Venue: Room 315, Building A2, Thao Vien Guest House, 21 A Ngoc Ha

Online via Microsoft 

*The agenda of the meeting:*

1. Welcome and introduction (5 mins) 2. Organization updates (disaster 
riskreduction/ disaster response/ climate change programs and projects, 
DRM key events, etc.) (30 mins) 3. update International DRR day and 
consultation on SENDAI framework (35 mins), 4. CWG updates by CRS/FAO 
and Q&A (15 mins); 5. Climate information services – sharing by CARE and 
Q&A (30 mins) 6. AoB (5 mins)

A big thank to Ms. Minh Huong VNDMA for support hosting!!!

Attached file is DMWG meeting minutes in May, Thanks DRR Team of CRS for 
great minutes!!!

Further information, please contact the Group co-chairs:

Nguyen Thi Thi

Program Manager - CRS

Email:thi.nguyen at crs.org

Mr. Tran Manh Hung - Program Manager - Care International

Email:TranManh.Hung at care.org.vn
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