[Eye-care] Making Partnerships Work |20 - 23 March 2018|Hanoi

MDF Asia mdfasia at mdf.nl
Tue Jan 16 14:22:46 +07 2018

Dear MDF Alumni & clients,

MDF Asia would like to invite you and your colleagues to take part in our 2nd Open Entry course in March 2018 - Making Partnerships Work. We believe that the course will help you to accurately assess the partnerships that you are managing & improve them for the greatest efficiency.

Please, kindly take a look at the course introduction below. Should you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to contact us. Our trainers & support staff are always here for any inquiries.

Thank you so much.
20 -23 March 2018 | Hanoi, Vietnam
In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to work in partnership with organisations from governments, the private sector & civil society. This collaboration should be based on shared principles & values, shared visions & goals, effective delivery and learning in order to be effective. This course will dive into the systems and dynamics of partnerships and focus attention at 3 levels: society, organization & people. The course offers an opportunity to understand and address challenges in the partnerships at any of these 3 levels. This course will help you to Make Partnerships Work!

Anyone involved in setting up or managing partnerships, from a partnership manager to a desk officer overseeing partnerships in any types of organizations - a network organisation, a private company, larger NGOs or a governmental development organisation.
* Have a better understanding of critical issues in managing partnerships to identify intervention options
* Receive ideas & tools to help partnership decision-making & create positive dynamics between partners
* Practice skills related to the facilitation of partnership dynamics.

Mr. Toonen is a senior trainer & director of MDF Vietnam office. He has over 20 years of experience in development field, particularly in Results-Based Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Advocacy & Policy Influencing, Network Management, Multi-stakeholder Partnerships, Sustainability Planning, Institutional Development, Organisational Strengthening, Poverty Alleviation & Environmental Management.
See more of Mr.Toonen’s profile here (https://www.linkedin.com/in/koentoonen/?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=9b356d26a5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-9b356d26a5-64082675) .
* 30 years experienced in providing Training, Management Advisory, Project Evaluation & Implementing Partner services with 10 offices worldwide
* ISO Certificate 9001 2015 for Quality Management System including the delivery of training programs
* Our customers: FAO, Child Fund International, WWF, World Bank, USAID, UNFPA, Gameloft, Frisian Flag, UNDP, LUX DEV, UNHCR, Hershey’s, GM, ABB, UN Women, SNV, Pact, Handicap InternationalCBM, CARE, Australian AID, Actionaid, Unicef, UN Volunteers etc.,
* International result-oriented facilitators with local knowledge to respond to your working realities
* Highly practical & implementable approach & tools

Course Fee: 830 EUR (excluding taxes)
* 10% discount for MDF Alumni who attended an MDF course for the past 2 years
* 10% discount for all clients who complete payment by 20th January 2018
* 01 free place for a group of 06 registrations

Register by 12 March 2018

Register here (http://bit.ly/MPW_HN2018?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=9b356d26a5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-9b356d26a5-64082675)
Contact us

MDF Asia
E: mdfasia at mdf.nl | T: +84 (0)24 6258 4438
249A Thuy Khue - Tay Ho - Hanoi - Vietnam

** (https://www.facebook.com/MDF.Training.Consultancy/?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=9b356d26a5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-9b356d26a5-64082675)
** (https://www.linkedin.com/company/228382/?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=9b356d26a5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-9b356d26a5-64082675)
** (http://mdf.nl?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=9b356d26a5-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_01_15&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-9b356d26a5-64082675)

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MDF Asia . 249A Thuy Khue . Tay Ho . Hanoi, Hanoi 10000 . Vietnam
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