[Eye-care] Leadership & People Management training (Vietnamese language) | 02 - 05 April 2018 | Hanoi, Vietnam 

MDF Asia mdfasia at mdf.nl
Mon Mar 5 18:40:21 +07 2018

Dear valued customers,
Training course Leadership & People Management has been in demand because leadership is an essential skill for not only people in leading positions, but also those who wish to further their career or even just want to be in control of their own situations. We would like to introduce & invite registrations from your organization for the upcoming Vietnamese course:
* Time & location: 02 - 05 April 2018 | Hanoi, Vietnam
* Course language: Vietnamese
* Special offer: 10% discount for MDF alumni who attended an MDF course within the past 2 years; 01 free place for a group of 06 registrations from your organization
* Deadline for registration: 26 March 2018

It is said that you don't build a business, you build people & then people build the business. People are always the most valuable asset of any organizations or businesses. The question is what brings the business success – well managed people or well led ones? When your people are well managed, you are guiding your organisation on the right direction. When your people are both well managed and well inspired, you are leading your organisation forward on the right direction
Ms. Nguyen Thanh Huong has over 15 years’ experience in training and management consultancy. She has been delivering many training courses such as Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation, Advocacy & Policy Influencing, Writing Winning Proposals, etc. She has also taken part in many projects of Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, UNESCO in Myanmar, Nuffic, etc.
To know more about the trainer, please, click here (https://www.linkedin.com/in/thanh-huong-nguyen-7399267a/?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=b5dc585b1f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_03_05&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-b5dc585b1f-64082675)
* Get to know more about yourself as a person & a leader. Find out what you are really good at & what have held you back.
* Become aware of different leadership styles, your own style & how to develop it
* Have your leading & managing skills sharpened & more practical
* Understand the diversity & cultural issues in leadership
* Become more authentic, empowering & inspirational

Register here (http://bit.ly/LPM_VN_April_2018?utm_source=MDF+Asia&utm_campaign=b5dc585b1f-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_03_05&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_40c7908bd7-b5dc585b1f-64082675)
MDF Asia (Vietnam Office) | R905, 9th floor, HCMCC Tower, 249A Thuy Khue Street, Tay Ho District, Hanoi,Vietnam|T: +84 (0)24 6258 4438 (tel:+840462584438) | Email: mdfasia at mdf.nl

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