[general_devel] Consultancy opportunity-Request for Proposal for High quality media products on Environmental Protection in Viet Nam

Le Tuyet Sinh le.tuyet.sinh at undp.org
Fri Oct 4 03:51:42 BST 2013

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

UNDP Viet Nam is looking for a competent press agency/mass media organization as a Service Provider to produce high quality media products to promote dialogues and in-depth understanding on selected issues relating to environmental protection in Viet Nam.

The selected service provider will provide the main deliverables as below:

1.      Finalization of Work-plan to implement the assignment /TOR

2.      A4-size Bilingual (English and Vietnamese) Special Edition of 120 pages consisting views, perspectives of target interviewees on the thematic areas mentioned in item III.A of the TOR.

3.      Two special features/supplements in Vietnamese and English, which will be inserted in a Vietnamese language newspaper and an English language newspaper, containing 8 pages in Vietnamese per publication and 4 pages in English per publication as supplementary printed and delivered to usual subscribed readers.

4.      Regular/weekly Environment Protection column (a haft of A4 size at minimum) on newspaper in Vietnamese

5.      Bilingual columns published on online newspapers in Vietnamese and English.

6.      And other requirements defined in the TOR

Service duration is from October 2013 to June 2014

Full solicitation documents can be found at http://procurement-notices.undp.org/view_notice.cfm?notice_id=12880

Interested and qualified bidders are invited to submit the Proposals including Technical Proposal and Financial proposal in separate PDF files (following guidance in the Request for Proposal) to :

Email: procurement.vn at undp.org<mailto:procurement.vn at undp.org>, Procurement Unit, UNDP Viet Nam

Submission deadline: 08 October 2013

We appreciate your cooperation and assistance for circulation among your colleagues and possible bidders.
Best regards,

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Le Tuyet Sinh
Procurement Assistant

United Nations
Development Programme

25 - 29 Phan Boi Chau, Ha Noi
Tel: (+84 4) 3942 1495 (ext 291)
Fax:(+84 4) 3942 2267
le.tuyet.sinh at undp.org<mailto:le.tuyet.sinh at undp.org>
www.undp.org.vn<http://www.undp.org.vn/> / www.un.org.vn<http://www.un.org.vn/>

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