[hivaids-twg] FW: Request for your support - Community Response case studies - survey dissemination

HIV-AIDS Technical Working Group hivaids-twg at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Apr 18 09:01:09 ICT 2014

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are looking for case studies of community responses to HIV that show evidence of impact. We are writing to you in the hope that you can provide us with examples that can be instructive for other colleagues who are planning programmes and engaged in action to scale up quality responses.

Robust community systems are an integral element for success in the response to HIV and the achievement of universal access.

To inform the inclusion and scale up of community responses in National Strategic Plans and Global Fund Concept Notes, UNAIDS and the Stop AIDS Alliance* have requested ASAP (AIDS Strategy Advocacy and Policy) to collect examples of community responses that demonstrate impact and show "what works" to expand service delivery, accessibility and equity.

In order to provide examples of effective community responses we would be very grateful if you could complete the following short survey and also share with us the evidence explaining how your programme has had an impact, The survey is designed to collect promising case studies, which will then be documented and an analysis of the findings will be presented later on in 2014 (expected publication July 2014). You will find the survey here:


This survey is designed to capture community responses that fall under the categories of:
- Community-based service delivery
- Advocacy, campaign and lobbying
- Community-based research
- Community financing

Please note that the DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION is Friday, 2 May 2014.

French and Spanish versions of this e-survey, and a Word version, are available on request from: admin at asapltd.com<mailto:admin at asapltd.com> Please also contact admin at asapltd.com<mailto:admin at asapltd.com> for any other information or with any queries about this work.

With kind regards

Chris Mallouris

David Ruiz
Stop Aids Alliance

Martin Choo, Robin Gorna and Hilary Nkulu

*Stop AIDS Alliance is a joint initiative between the International HIV/AIDS Alliance and Stop Aids Now!

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