[hivaids-twg] FW: Post 2015 E-discussion launches. 1)Culture 2) Partnershisps with CS

HIV-AIDS Technical Working Group hivaids-twg at ngocentre.org.vn
Fri Aug 15 10:29:05 ICT 2014

Dear Colleagues

One of the 6 tracks under the UNDG led Dialogues on Post-2015 Implementation<http://www.worldwewant2015.org/sitemap> focuses on Culture and Development<http://www.worldwewant2015.org/culture2015>. A broad concept to be sure, but one that is informative to how we move forward pluralistically towards a post-2015 development agenda. Referred to as an enabler and driver for sustainable development,  culture is ubiquitous, ever evolving and continuously impacts issues such as gender equality , how we teach and learn, where we live, how we interact with our environment, our notions of inclusion and reconciliation, our creative economy, and our values.

Convened by UNFPA, UNESCO and UNDP, an online set of consultations have been launched to consider various integrated issues that are emerging from the global and intergovernmental deliberations on a new post-2015 development framework.  This consultation is part of a series of consultations on ‘Culture and Development’ that will be conducted globally, regionally, nationally and online. Online consultations have been opened as one of the venues to stimulate discussion and engagement. The consultations will address six themes: 1) poverty reduction, 2) education, 3) gender equality and women’s empowerment, 4) sustainable cities and urbanization, 5) the environment and climate change, and 6) inclusion and reconciliation. The consultations are expected to result in a final report that synthesizes the e-debate and the global, regional and national consultations. Twitter: #culture2015.

We hope you will be able to engage in these discussions and share within your networks to others that would also like to engage.


Culture in the Post-2015 Agenda

Culture and Poverty Reduction

Culture and Education

Culture, gender equality and women’s empowerment

Culture, sustainable cities and urbanization

Culture, the environment and climate change

Culture, inclusion and reconciliation

Should you have any queries, feel free to contact me at your convenience.



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Muni Ahlawat
UNDP team on Post-2015
One Secretariat on Post-2015
United Nations Development Programme
304 East 45th St. , FF0653
New York, NY 10017
muni.ahlawat at undp.org<mailto:muni.ahlawat at undp.org>
Tel: +1-646-781-4026
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Explore perspectives from people around the globe on the future development agenda:
http://www.worldwewant2015.org/millionvoices #amillionvoices #post2015

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Contribute to the e-Discussion
Partnerships with Civil Society

Dear Colleagues,

As part of the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) project "Continuing inclusive dialogue on the post-2015 development agenda," a component on "partnerships with civil society" aims to demonstrate concrete policy results, with a focus on issues related to means of implementation for the post-2015 development agenda.

The "partnerships with civil society" dialogues involve an e-Discussion, six national meetings and a global event in Cambodia. We invite you to learn more about this project and to contribute to the e-discussion at:


Results of the e-discussion and national dialogues will be compiled by the co-leading UN agencies, and reports will be fed into various post-2015 policy avenues, including:

  *   the High-level Political Forum
  *   the global meeting in Cambodia
  *   the UNDG global report on the dialogues
  *   the Secretary-General's Synthesis Report on the post 2015 development agenda.

 The "Partnerships with Civil  Society" process is co-led by  the UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS), UN Millennium Campaign (UNMC), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Volunteers (UNV) Programme.

We look forward to your contributions.
Best Regards,

United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)
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