[ingo-hcmc] CARE's online survey on CSO engaged in climate change in Mekong delta_RESENT

Duong Van Hung duongvanhung at gmail.com
Fri May 15 11:26:51 ICT 2015

Xin chào các anh các chị,

Trước tiên Nhóm khảo sát xin cảm các tổ chức đã điền bản survey! Hiện nay
con số các tổ chức đã trả lời đã khá khá và đang tăng dần. Tuy nhiên kết
quả vẫn chưa đạt mục tiêu mà Nhóm khảo sát đã đặt ra.

Vậy kính đề nghị các anh chị bớt chút thời gian (tối đa 5 phút) điền vào
bản survey, để giúp cho tổ chức CARE có cái nhìn chính xác về chủ đề này.


Hôm nay đã là thứ sáu, thời gian của bản survey không còn nhiều. Rất mong
nhận được sự hỗ trợ từ phía các tổ chức!

Trân trọng cảm ơn

Dương Văn Hùng
Nguyễn Trọng Ninh

On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 3:29 PM, Minh, Nguyen Anh <
NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org> wrote:

>  Dear my colleagues,
> Thank you very much for your contribution to this online survey. I would
> like to resend the survey link as it has just updated with bilingual
> language (English – Vietnamese). Please save a few minutes to administer
> the questionnaire and feel free to share with any potential CSO or
> Vietnamese NGO who is missing in this mailing list. In case you did it
> already, please ignore this email.
> *https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DBF2YTG
> <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DBF2YTG>.*
> Many thanks in advance for your kind help & support and so sorry for cross
> posting!
> Minh
> *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> *Nguyen Anh Minh (Ms.)*
> *NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Coordinator*
> *CARE International in Vietnam.*
> Address: P.O Box 20 Hanoi | 92 To Ngoc Van Road, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi,
> Vietnam.
> Tel: +84-4-37161930 ext: 322 | Fax: +84-4-37161935 | Mobile: +84-982-774
> 186.
> Email: NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org| Website: http://www.care.org.au/vietnam
> | skype: minh.nguyen.anh
> [image: care-logo_Smallest.jpg]
> *         CARE      seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social justice,
> where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. *
> P *Please consider your environment before printing emails and
> documents!!!*
> *(!)* *Disclaimer:* This e-mail and any attachment may contain
> confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended
> recipient, please notify the sender immediately by returning e-mail,
> deleting this e-mail and destroying any copies. Any dissemination or use of
> this information by a person other than the intended recipient is
> unauthorised and may be illegal.
> *From:* Minh, Nguyen Anh
> *Sent:* Monday, May 11, 2015 2:30 PM
> *To:* 'bich_sdrc at yahoo.com'; 'nhcuc at ctu.edu.vn'; 'latuan at ctu.edu.vn'; '
> hangnguyen08 at gmail.com'; 'kimthoanguyen.cchs at gmail.com'; 'vychim at gmail.com';
> 'phuongtoai at yahoo.com'; 'phuoclv.paicom at gmail.com'; '
> thanh.wetland at gmail.com'; 'dthuyen40 at hotmail.com'; 'vinh.itb at gmail.com'; '
> trieugiang.phan at gmail.com'; 'dailong0606 at yahoo.com'; 'lthnhung09 at yahoo.com';
> 'thanhnhatnmt85 at gmail.com'; 'pxphu at agu.edu.vn'; 'bangquoc at yahoo.com'; '
> buichibuu at hcm.vnn.vn'; 'khoamtbhld at tdt.edu.vn'; 'nhutrientdsi at yahoo.com';
> 'trang at life-vietnam.org'; 'son at linvn.org'; 'minhchauvkhxh at gmail.com'; '
> info at changevn.org'; 'huynhphu.iege at gmail.com'; 'hocaoviet2000 at yahoo.com';
> 'toandq at tdmu.edu.vn'; 'leductuan at hcm.fpt.vn'; 'minhphuong at smilegroupvn.org';
> 'h at songxanh.vn'; 'ngocdiemnguyen at hotmail.com'; 'saudunglhh at yahoo.com.vn';
> 'tvtao06 at yahoo.com'; 'lhhtv at yahoo.com'; 'lethithuykieu84 at gmail.com'; '
> tiennguyen18091989 at gmail.com'; 'adslvnpluslm at vnn.vn'; '
> hoibvtnmtkg at gmail.com'; 'pham.thuy.thuy.tram95 at gmail.com'; '
> huynhthihongdiemhg at gmail.com'; 'tnthuy at agu.edu.vn'; 'ltphong at agu.edu.vn';
> 'khanh at greenidvietnam.org.vn'; 'nguyen.nhu.hue at gmail.com'; '
> hoangqlr at gmail.com'
> *Cc:* 'Ninh Nguyen'; 'Duong Van Hung'
> *Subject:* CARE's online survey on CSO engaged in climate change in
> Mekong delta
> *Dear my colleagues,*
> *As many of you know, CARE in Vietnam has been one of the leading INGOs
> working on climate change and disaster risk reduction. In that role, we
> have actively supported networking, information sharing and collaboration
> of civil society organizations working on climate change, including
> Vietnamese NGOs, research organizations, networks etc. In the last years we
> have stepped up efforts in the South of Vietnam through the support to the
> Southern Climate Change Working Group and close engagement with the
> SRD-managed VNGO&CC network. *
> * CARE has now recruited a consultancy team (Mr. Duong Van Hung and Mr.
> Nguyen Trong Ninh) to assess current achievements, strengths and
> weaknesses, opportunities etc. and find ways to support civil society
> engaged in climate change in the South more comprehensively in the coming
> years. We strongly believe that by joining efforts, more effective work can
> be delivered by us all.*
> * Part of the team's job is to design an online survey on civil society
> organizations engaged in CCA and DRR in the Mekong Delta to collect data
> and information. Kindly find the link for the survey at
> https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DBF2YTG
> <https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/DBF2YTG>. *
> *You have now been targeted for your expertise and insights on this topic,
> so we hope you can make some time available to administer this survey .It
> should take about 15-20 minutes maximum with the following details: *
> *- Timeframe for the survey:  from 11 May to 5PM 25 May 2015. *
> *- Each organization should do it once only (if there are more than two
> staff in your organizations who want to do it, please discuss and do it
> together). *
> *- You do not need to send us any of your details including names,
> address, etc. All is anonymous. *
> * We hope you will support us by filling the survey in order for CARE and
> its partners to target the support better to you in the future. We will
> share our final report to you if you are interested. *
> *Thanks very much in advance,*
> *Best regards,*
> * Minh*
> *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*
> *Nguyen Anh Minh (Ms.)*
> *NGO Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) Coordinator*
> *CARE International in Vietnam*
> Address: P.O Box 20 Hanoi | 92 To Ngoc Van Road, Tay Ho Dist., Hanoi,
> Vietnam.
> Tel: +84-4-37161930 ext: 322 | Fax: +84-4-37161935 | Mobile:
> +84-982-774186.
> Email: NguyenAnh.Minh at careint.org | Website:
> http://www.care.org.au/vietnam | Skype: minh.nguyen.anh
> [image: care-logo_Smallest.jpg]
> *                          seeks a world of hope, tolerance and social
> justice, where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and
> security. *
> P *Please consider your environment before printing emails and
> documents!!!*
> *(!)* *Disclaimer:* This e-mail and any attachment may contain
> confidential and privileged information. If you are not the intended
> recipient, please notify the sender immediately by returning e-mail,
> deleting this e-mail and destroying any copies. Any dissemination or use of
> this information by a person other than the intended recipient is
> unauthorised and may be illegal.
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