[ingo-hcmc] Invitation to a celebration of International Day of the Girl Child, October 8th, 2015

Dung.Vu at international.gc.ca Dung.Vu at international.gc.ca
Mon Oct 5 09:09:42 ICT 2015

(From Dung Vu, on behalf of Richard Bale, Consul General of Canada in Ho Chi Minh City)

It is with great pleasure that the Consulate General of Canada in Ho Chi Minh City, in cooperation with the Gender and Society Research Centre of Hoa Sen University, would like to invite your organisation to participate in a first-ever celebration of International Day of the Girl Child in HCMC on Thursday October 8th  between 09:30 and 11:30 at Hoa Sen University.

International Day of the Girl Child was established - as a result of a joint initiative by Plan Canada and the Government of Canada - by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in December 2011 with the objective of recognising the unique challenges faced by girls around the world, with the first day being celebrated on October 11th 2012.

The theme of the International Day of the Girl Child in 2015 will be "The Power of the Adolescent Girl" (seehttp://www.un.org/en/events/girlchild/ for additional background information on the theme). The event at Hoa Sen will aim to raise the profile of the day, including among students of Hoa Sen University, non-profit organisations and others working on issues of importance to the girl child, as well as to network individuals and organisations working in this area.

We expect to structure the event in two parts, with the first featuring short presentations by a number of adolescent girls on the challenges they have faced and on their experiences of empowerment, with the second being built around a panel discussion by a small number of experts, followed by a Q&A and networking session.

We are therefore inviting interested non-profits and others to:

*        nominate a girl speaker for the event
*        recommend a panelist to speak about issues facing adolescent girls
*        indicate their interest in attending the event

We would welcome and encourage your participation in this event (by reply to dung.vu at international.gc.ca<mailto:dung.vu at international.gc.ca>), which we hope will be the first of many celebrations of the Day in the years to come.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Bale
Consul General | Consul général
Consulate General of Canada | Consulat général du Canada
Ho Chi Minh City / Ville - Vietnam
Richard.Bale at international.gc.ca<mailto:Richard.Bale at international.gc.ca>
+84 (8) 3827-9901

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