[ingo-hcmc] [physics] Fwd: Apply to attend a YSEALI education workshop in Bangkok! {01}

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Fri Oct 9 22:16:32 ICT 2015

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Trinh Thai Ha
Date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Subject: Fwd: Apply to attend a YSEALI education workshop in Bangkok!
To: activity at iop.vast.ac.vn, physics at iop.vast.ac.vn

Chia sẻ với các bạn cơ hội tham gia một hội nghị về giáo dục, "
ASEAN Education for the 21st Century Workshop".
Thông tin chi tiết mời xem ở thư dưới.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Team YSEALI <ysealimailer at state.gov>
Date: Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 10:09 AM
Subject: Apply to attend a YSEALI education workshop in Bangkok!
To: ha.trinhthai at gmail.com

[image: Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative]

Dear YSEALI Member,

Are you interested in improving education in ASEAN? Apply to participate in
the YSEALI Generation:
ASEAN Education for the 21st Century Workshop!

*When:* Dec. 12-16, 2015

*Where: *Bangkok, Thailand

*What: *Up to 80 YSEALI members will participate in an interactive workshop
to learn about education issues in the region, develop their professional
skills, and connect with fellow young leaders across ASEAN.

Participants selected will be provided with roundtrip flights, meals,
accommodations, and transportation within Thailand. Participants must be
available to take part in the full workshop from December 12-16, 2015.

*Who: *Applicants must meet the following criteria:
•                     Be between the ages of 18-30
•                     A citizen and resident of ASEAN (Brunei, Burma,
Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand
or Vietnam).
•                     Evidence of commitment to improve ASEAN education in
your home country
•                     Evidence of commitment to conduct a follow-up project
during 2016
•                     First-time participation in a YSEALI U.S. or regional
exchange program
•                     Be proficient in English
•                     Demonstrate interest in cross-border collaboration

*Why: *Education lies at the core of ASEAN’s development process, creating
a knowledge-based society and contributing to the enhancement of ASEAN

Don’t wait! Applications are due at www.YSEALIEducation2015.org
by midnight Bangkok
local time on November 4, 2015.

[image: Facebook]
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Young South East Asian Leaders Initiative

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*Trinh Thai Ha (Ms) - *PhD Candidate

Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka
Prefecture University

Room 307, A14 Building, 1-1 Gakuen-cho, Nakaku, Sakai, Osaka 599-8531, Japan

Email: dx105016 at edu.osakafu-u.ac.jp; ha.trinhthai at gmail.com
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